🕸️ Chapter 4 🕸️

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It was the next day, and you had just woken up to Paradox waking you up by making quite a lot of noise.

You sat up, blinking sleep out of your eyes to see the Strike Class dragon using his head and tusks to roll your armour over to you.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm awake, I know." You sighed, crossing your arms as you leaned back to collect yourself a little bit. "I doubt you got any sleep."

It was probably true, since there were some nights that Paradox wouldn't sleep and would sleep, and it was never consistent.

Longest you'd see of him not sleeping would be a good week, and even then, he'd take a nap after figuring out he was actually tired, before getting up and going on another sleep strike again.

You cracked your fingers and back, before getting up and grabbing your armour to set it down on the desk that was in the centre of the forest that was on the island.

Paradox watched, before turning to use his tongue to grab himself fish and eat it right then and there, watching you slightly.

After you got your armour on, you grabbed your two daggers and put them on your waist where they hung, but you kept your visor flicked up.

You grabbed two apples, before putting your arms over your head and spinning a little towards Paradox, stretching your spine and yawning a little.

The Deathgripper opened his mouth, his tongue slipping out as his orange eyes looked up at you.

You put the apple onto his tongue and he immediately let it fall into his mouth before closing his jaws, beginning to chew on the apple as you waved him on from up ahead.

"We'll take off at the beach, and make sure to actually chew the apple!" You said, grinning at the dragon as Paradox growled at you a little in retaliation.

Sometimes, Paradox would get a little excited and simply swallow stuff whole, as if he had never eaten, which would usually result in you having to worry for him, since there have been several times you've watched him choke on dragons he decided he should swallow whole too, usually Night Terrors.

You began to walk through the woods and towards the beach, hearing the waves crash against the rocky beach that surrounded the island.

Paradox hopped from tree to tree as he followed, before landing in front of you and continued to walk, his tail being low to the ground while his wings rattled slightly.

His back plating made the same noises as you walked, but you ignored such and kept going, stretching a little bit still.

Once you reached the beach, you stepped onto the rocks with your armour on, making a small scratching noise that Paradox shook off.

"When we get to Berk, it'll be nighttime by then, so you're gonna have to be real quiet." You said, patting his back plating a little bit. "Got it?"

Paradox nodded, his foreleg pincers moving as he sheathed his stinger within his tail, Paradox lowering his head.

You got onto his back, being in between the first two plating, since putting a saddle onto his back seemed rather... difficult, and you were simply too lazy to make him a saddle that would genuinely fit.

After a few moments, you settled yourself comfortably and as soon as you did that, Paradox took off towards the skies and began to climb, roaring and shrieking happily as he made it towards the clouds, the sun rising rather quickly.

"Berk from here should be you heading West and passing a few mountainy-islands! You might see a few Deadly Nadder flocks on the way along with a couple ships!" You said, looking back at the island as you lowered your back a little to get comfortable.

Your pat the side of your dragons head, Paradox roaring in response to this before beginning to switch directions once he reached a comfortable altitude, turning to fly west.

"We need to make sure we aren't caught and that we gather as much information as we can, if Berk is allied with dragons like a few of the other tribes, you'll have to do with little to no dragon offerings for the year." You said, earning a slight head shake from the Deathgripper.

If you and him were caught in the flesh and genuinely seen, you'd have to go for the harvest anyways, since you didn't usually back down on going to islands if anyone saw you.

Besides, you had the helmet on, so it shouldn't be too bad.

You usually only collected at the ungodly hours of the night, so you usually weren't caught on the actual day, and if you were, they didn't live to tell the tale of seeing you and Paradox.

Being the cause of a tradition across the archipelago and outside felt rather important to you, and you didn't plan to stop heading to islands for it unless you were forced to.

Paradox didn't plan so either.

The sun rose even higher, before the sky went a bright orange and was switching to blue, you smiling as it happened, enjoying the feeling of both sunrises and sunsets.

"You excited for this Dreadfall, Paradox?" You asked the dragon, leaning over slightly to look at his eyes.

His head turned a little to make eye contact with you, his tusks unsheathed as he glided through the air with ease.

Paradox roared happily before looking at a different island with brown, yellow, orange and red leaves along with yellow grass.

Paradox always enjoyed the colour changing in nature during the autumn months, and you didn't really blame him for it.

It was rather beautiful.

"Yeah, I am too." You hummed, smiling at him before leaning back to your original position and looking around a little, first to the water, to the sun and then straight forward.

Visiting Berk didn't strike any nerves in you, but you definitely had your doubts on how it was going to go and how it was going to end.

It could either end terribly or end absolutely amazing.

Amazing would be a successful harvest without any suspicions raising about you and Paradox.

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