🕸️ Chapter 12 🕸️

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It was finally the day of Dreadfall.

You were in your Deathgripper armour, simply for the spirit, and Paradox had all four tusks unsheathed along with his Stinger.

The Vikings of Berk were rather happy to have gained a new ally, and to not have a Dreadfall where

 they'd fear of being attacked.

Many of the dragons on Berk seemed to have warmed up to Paradox a little, some more than others, such as the Night Lights, Light Fury, Hookfang, Cloudjumper, Barf and Belch.

It was surprising, that Hookfang and Light Fury would be alright with Paradox in their presence, but would anyone really complain about it?

"I'm actually surprised it's been you all these years." Fishlegs said to you, carrying Fishmeat in his arms as he walked alongside you.

You put your hands behind your head casually, still walking as Paradox scuttled along the ground beside you.

"I'm surprised Berk actually managed to train dragons, since last I heard, Berk was rather... Anti-Dragon training, even the outcasts and Berserker Island." You hummed, watching Paradox go towards Hookfang.

Hookfang roared at the Deathgripper, adjusting his wings as Paradox roared back at him, the two indulging in what seemed to be some sort of conversation.

"I bet your parents would be real proud of you, Y/n." Valka said with a smile, nodding to You as  she walked over.

According to Hiccup, your parents had died on Old Berk, when Grimmel The Grisly had attacked the place with his Deathgripper's.

It'd explain a lot.

"I only hope." You stated, a small smile on your face.

You spotted both Nuffink and Zephyr, along with the three Night Lights running up to you, you looking down in return as Valka watched, Fishlegs walking away to go to the Twins.

"Hey! What do you five need?" You asked, crouching down to get to their level.

Dart roared at Zephyr, Pouncer running around your legs for a little as Ruffrunner stood in front of Nuffink.

"Can we go play with Paradox, please?" Nuffink asked, tilting his head.

"Yeah! Promise we won't agitate him or anything!" Zephyr added.

You looked down at the three Nightlights, who flapped their wings and swayed their tails excitedly, all three roaring at you.

"Sure, just make sure to steer clear of that venom he has and that tail." You told the five of them.

"Thanks!" Zephyr said, grabbing Dart to run towards Hookfang, Paradox, Barf and Belch.

Nuffink nodded to you before waving on Pouncer and Ruffrunner, the three following behind Zephyr.

You stood up again, dusting yourself off as you watched Light Fury, follow Paradox, Hookfang, Barf and Belch along with the five others.

You assumed they'd be going to get something to eat where Hiccup would be.

"I take a guess Paradox is ought to be gone for a while." Gobber said, walking over on his wooden leg and actual leg.

"A Deathgripper is never satisfied with how much it eats, at least Paradox isn't." you told him, watching Eret come over.

"After dealing with Mind-controlled Deathgripper's, I'm pretty surprised about how Paradox got the other dragons to warm up to him so quickly, and even how you managed to train a dragon as unique as Paradox without doing whatever Grimmel did." Eret stated.

"Trust me, I don't know either." You sighed.

You truly didn't, since all you did was bring Paradox some food and water, and he immediately warmed up to you.

It was something you wouldn't question though, since you wondered what your life would be like if you didn't meet Paradox that day.

Stormfly could be spotted running with Meatlug, Cloudjumper flying overhead, most likely to grab themselves some food too.

"Yeah, enough with your yapping, ah've got to get some food before the Hobgobbler's eat it all." Gobber said, beginning to walk towards where a bunch of dragons grouping could be seen.

"We probably should too, those dragons can get rather hungry." Valka hummed, waving you on.

You began to walk towards where they said the food was.

This Dreadfall was going to be rather sweet, and Paradox finally had other dragons to converse with, and you had other Vikings to converse with.

Once there, you grabbed yourself mutton, before Tuffnut and Ruffnut immediately walked towards you, Snotlout doing so too.

"Awesome dragon." Ruffnut said, grinning.

"Hookfang's better, but Paradox can be second on the list- maybe even third." Snotlout stated, crossing his arms to make himself look a little more intimidating.

"Hey! Barf and Belch are second!" Tuffnut argued.

"Jorgenson's Never change, Thorston's either." You said with a small grin, crossing your arms and blinking a little bit.

"We do! Me and Tuffnut are obviously more superior than the rest of the bloodline!" Ruffnut exclaimed, frowning.

"My dad's awesome, and I'm even better than him! So that obviously means something more than that insult you just threw." Snotlout stated.

"Spitelout is... interesting to say the least, I'll give him that." You hummed, nodding.

Of course, you weren't about to go against Snotlout for it, and Snotlout definitely knew what you meant by 'interesting'.

Spitelout was a rather loud Viking, along with very... battle-driven.

You heard the roar of a Deathgripper, and looked over to find Paradox, running over to you and taking his place beside you, making sure to move Ruffnut away from you so that he could squeeze in.

"You're back early!" You told the dragon, Paradox's pupils dilating as he looked at you and roared in return.

He used his head to gesture towards Astrid who was carrying Zephyr, and Nuffink who was being carried by Hiccup.

Toothless and Light Fury were sat directly behind a Dart, Pouncer and Rufrunner, all seemingly having their own fish to eat.

"Oh! You can have some of my mutton if you'd like." You said, offering it to Paradox.

He took the offer and immediately ate it, licking the wooden plate absolutely clean, before you laughed a little and set the plate down.

"Paradox reminds me of Tuffnut!" Ruffnut giggled.

"Hey! Paradox reminds me of Ruffnut!" Tuffnut argued with her.

"The only 'nut' it reminds me of is Gruffnut." Snotlout said and rolled his eyes.

"Who?" You asked.

You didn't receive an answer, only the sound of Paradox letting a bone roll down and out of his mouth could be heard after.

Tuffnut and Ruffnut stopped fighting.

"That's very true, Snotlout." Ruffnut nodded.

"True." Tuffnut stated.

The three began to walk away, leaving you and Paradox alone.

He roared at you happily, tail idly swaying as his wings flapped a little bit.

"Yeah, I'm enjoying this too." You hummed, crossing your arms as you watched everyone.

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