🕸️ Chapter 5 🕸️

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It had been a day since you and Paradox had took off to go to New Berk, and the island looked extremely lush and rich in nature and wildlife.

You felt out of place.

It was already nighttime, which was prime time for you and Paradox to go scouting the island, since there would be little to no Vikings out.

"Land a little closer to the forest." You told him, flicking the visor on your helmet down, the black and red blending in with the dark colours of the night.

Paradox nodded and turned directions, before landing on the solid ground in the forest, the bushes moving slightly as he did so.

You got off his back and looked around a little, dusting yourself off as Paradox illuminated the area slightly, simply because of the orange accents on his scales.

Paradox turned around rather quickly and his pupils slit as his foreleg pincers moved into their usual position, tilting his head rather quickly and scuttling out of the bush.

"Wait up!" You said, beginning to slowly and quietly go after him.

Paradox looked back at you, beginning to walk behind several berkian huts.

It all felt so... nostalgic, with the way the huts were built and with the way things were set up, it was almost nice.

You looked around, both daggers in your hands as you crossed your arms, tilting your head as you spotted a statue of Stoick.

It was stone, and it looked like it was well-kept and had been there for a few months almost with how the stone hasn't chipped.

"Hmm." You hummed, kneeling down as you narrowed your eyes from under the helmet to read the Berkian writing on the statue.

Paradox adjusted his legs to lower himself, looking at it from beside you too.

You were a little rusty on what the several symbols meant, being one of a carved Thunderdrum and carved Rumblehorn, but you still remembered the writing.

It was about... Drago Bludvist? Dragon blasts?

Stoick was dead.

You let out a quiet but audible gasp as your eyes widened at the sudden information, Paradox looking at you in confusion.

You weren't close with Stoick when you had lived on Berk, but the occasional wave was there, and it meant something still.

As soon as you recollected yourself, you shook your head and extended a hand to touch the rock for a few seconds before actually getting up.

It was a show of respect, and you respected Stoick.

Once up, you looked to Paradox and smiled, rubbing the pointed part to his head a little, near the small intricate designs before stepping away from the statue.

Paradox tilted his head in return and roared quietly, but ignored it and continued walking, spotting a couple lit lanterns.

The leaves on the ground were orange and yellow, making small crunching noises.

You walked towards a more open area with a few huts surrounding, a small smithy at the end too.

After looking around, your eyes locked into a Terrible Terror that was staring right at you, and you froze.

Paradox did the exact same after noticing what you did.

Berk was allied with dragons.

Oh no.

This Terrible Terror licked its eye and mouth, before tilting its head, and shrieking, in response to this shrieking, Night Terrors reacted to.

If that didn't wake up all of Berk, you didn't know what would.

"Paradox!" You shouted, looking to him quickly.

The sound of people running out of their huts along with dragons stirring could be heard, and you made a break for Paradox.

Before you could reach him, a purple blast separated the two of you, and you looked over to see a Night Fury and Light Fury growling at the both of you.

Weren't those things endangered or something?

Before you could think, you saw a Deadly Nadder flexing its spines.

"Toothless! Hold your fire!" You heard someone yell, specifically the man who was near the Night fury.

Paradox seemed to take the blast towards you as a threat, and sprayed acid in a circle which immediately caught fire, but there was still openings.

"Paradox! Wait!" You called, extending your hand.

No use.

Paradox lunged at a Monstrous Nightmare, Stinger flexed, tusks unsheathed.

"Hookfang!" You heard a male voice yell in alarm.

"Snotlout, get him out of there! It's-" a females voice shouted, one with blonde hair and a blue outfit.

You immediately got to your feet as the main of Berk was having fire put out by several Vikings.

The Monstrous Nightmare avoided the attack by moving to the side, and Paradox landed upright on a tree with his Stinger stuck in it.

He managed to get it out and looked over, bloodlust in his eyes being extremely visible.


Vikings were shouting and screaming to each other, dragons shrieking.

"Paradox! Get us out of here!" You said before he could make a move on the Monstrous Nightmare again.

Paradox looked towards you and shook his head, pupils dilating before jumping off of the tree and taking off to fly towards you.

"Cloudjumper, hold!" A woman, older, yelled to her Stormcutter who was about to blast.

The Deathgripper made it to you, and you lifted an arm to grab onto his tail, before Paradox picked up the speed afterwards.

A Viking was about to throw a bola, but you used a dagger and shot it at him, before the dagger cut the bola into two.

You weren't going back for the dagger.

"Wait! We don't mean any harm!" The man who was beside the Night Fury yelled, trying to pacify the situation.

You narrowed your eyes from under the helmet, before getting swung onto Paradox's back by Paradox curling his tail.

"Get us back to the island." You said, Paradox roaring in return as he began to pick up the speeds, climbing the skies to retreat to the clouds.

You lowered yourself closer to his back, simply to allow him to move at a faster speed without having to worry about you falling off.

The light of Berk being set on fire died down, meaning that the fire was being put out or had been put out.

That was quite the slip-up.

"Guess we gotta harvest from Berk this year, yeah?" You said, tilting your head. 

Paradox tilted his head from side to side for a moment as he growled, before nodding in annoyance.

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