🕸️ Chapter 7 🕸️

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It had been two days since you and Paradox almost got caught by Berkians, though, you had managed to get away from them rather quickly.

Paradox landed on the island that you and him lived on, fixing his position as he flapped his wings, snarling a little before simple shaking his head and looking over at you, looking you up and down.

"You alright, Paradox?" You asked, looking at your dragon, using a hand to move his head up a little to check for scars or burns.

Paradox nodded, moving his head out of your grasp as he sheathed his tusks and sheathed his Stinger, roaring a little bit at you.

"I'm good too." You said, smiling.

You turned around and began to walk into the forest, waving the dragon on to follow you, and he did just that.

"We're going to Berk for Dreadfall, and that means you're gonna have to pull through with little to no free dragons." You told him, nodding a little bit.

Paradox roared in annoyance but kept following you, his scales not giving a visible glow as he walked beside you, scuttling on the ground.

"I didn't expect them to befriend dragons, nor did I expect stoick to actually die before I heard from or saw him again." You said, sighing to yourself as you continued walking, obviously a little shaken up.

From the adrenaline rush you just experienced, you had the right to be.

You slid a hand down your armour to find your daggers, but upon pulling one up, you sighed and realized you left one on Berk when you threw it at the man with the Bola.

"Guess I'm gonna have to make a second one after Dreadfall." You said, sighing a little bit as you walked into the relevant area of your 'camp'.

Paradox fixed himself before going to the edge of what you called a camp, shifting his head and gesturing to the forest, asking if he could go on a hunt.

"Go on." You hummed, smiling softly at him before Paradox immediately ran into the woods, most likely to go satiate a hunger he's had for a while.

You looked over at Paradox and watched him do this before turning around to begin taking off your armour, and it didn't take long until it was fully off and your dagger was set on the table.

Afterwards, you grabbed the map you were preciously using and unrolled it to look at Berk.

Bringing a thumb to a bowl with crushed Blueberries, you dabbed your thumb in it before bringing your thumb to the map and dabbing it over Berk to indicate it was going to Be used as a harvest spot for this year.

Once finished, you wiped the blue onto the desk in front of you before rolling the map up again and setting it off to the side.

Going to berk to harvest after being caught was a large inconvenience, but you had to make do with it, since you couldn't just sit there and not do anything or pick a new island to scout after being caught by the people of Berk.

Of course, you assumed that the chief of Berk was 'Hiccup haddock' who was initially Stoick's son unless something happened while you were gone to make Hiccup not chief.

It all seemed like absolute chaos to you, and usually you wouldn't even be worried or anxious if you got caught.

You were worried they'd figure out who you were, they'd put two-and-two together and start blaming and insulting you for leaving Berk.

Or they'd come looking for you.

The sound of dragon roars from the woods could be heard, making your head turn in the direction as you thought of whose roars that could be.

It was a Monstrous Nightmare shrieking mixed with a Deathgripper roaring, specifically Paradox roaring a little bit..

You knew that tomorrow you had to discuss with him about what the both of you would do now that you'd been discovered by Berk along with what exactly happened there.

You couldn't just brush off the topic.

After a couple moments of listening to the different roars of two dragons, you looked over at where you usually slept which was near a tree.

It was already sunset, and you had an extremely long two days of non-stop flying around the edges of the Archipelago.

You grabbed one of the leather blankets you had and put it over the ground before grabbing a second one.

You sat down with it in your hands and adjusted yourself a little bit to get into a more comfortable position.

You laid down and put the blanket over yourself, moving to lay down on your side, a couple lanterns being lit in the area to illuminate it a little bit.

After a few moments, you went back to thinking.

Would it be beneficial to return to Berk and make amends with everyone so that you didn't have to harvest there, or would it be beneficial to make a statement and completely attack Berk?

Both seemed like pretty good ideas but you knew one was better than the other, and completely attacking Berk might not be the best idea when they had a Night Fury and a Light Fury there.

Those two dragons could cause quite the destruction, but both seemed weary of Deathgripper's, considering how they didn't go full blast at you and your dragon.

Something must've happened on Berk that made them like that, since you recalled Night Fury's and Light Fury's being somewhat or really aggressive dragons.

The sounds of both Paradox and the Monstrous Nightmare roaring could be heard dying down and getting quieter before reducing to absolutely nothing.

The only sounds you heard were rustling, which was most likely from nearby animals, which you didn't care for.

After a few minutes of thinking, you yawned and stretched out a little before returning to your previous position and sighing.

You moved a little to get comfortable, the sky now being an extremely dark colour now, the stars being fully visible in the night sky.

A few minutes passed, and after at least ten minutes, you actually fell asleep for the night, knowing what you'd be doing the next day.

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