Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

A/N: Okay so I know that in chapter one it says that Scorpius is a star Seeker but in fact, he is not. He is a Chaser. Albus is the Seeker and Captain for Slytherin's team.


I open my eyes slowly and realized for the billionth time this month that, it's over. Between Al and I that is. It's March now and, upsettingly enough this weekend is our monthly get together with the Potters and Weasleys. I have no idea how I'm going to keep my composure around my secret ex-boyfriend-slash-father of my unborn baby. I'm still trying to forget that horrible Valentine's Day. After I'd left the party I spent the rest of my time crying myself to sleep. That was just hell for me. What the hell am I going to do now. I'm getting noticeably bigger and time is starting to run out.

I had to tell someone. Not Scorpius or anyone else in my family. ARGGHHHHHHHH! My life sucks right now. Nothing can make me feel good at this time. So now I'm in the Headmaster's office once again, only this time, I'm waiting for Scorpius and my parents to arrive so we could floo to the Potter's. "Hello Neville, how are you?" Mum's voice asked, startling me. She looks like she's gained a few pounds but, I'm not going to say anything because, if I do...well, they might notice that I have also put on a few extra.

"Very well Allison, I trust you are doing very good yourself?" he asked as he and my dad completely ignored each other.

"Hello mother, father" Scorpius said, walking in behind me. Sometimes, I hate being me. My parents must not be very bright because clearly you can tell I've gained quite a few pounds but, hey, as long as they don't catch on, everything's all chipper.

"Scorpius, Allisha. Your mother and I have something to tell you" Dad says, putting his arm around her.

"What is it daddy?" I asked, looking at both of them glumly.

"You two are going to have a little brother or sister!! I'm due in august!" Mum says, almost making me scream. OH MY GIDDY AUNT. Mum and I are both going to give birth around the same time. My life has seriously reached a level of Hell I thought not possible. Time to put on the happy façade.

"Congrats mum!! I'm so happy!!" I squealed happily as Scorp and I hugged mum and then dad. Eww. My parents still have sex.

"Oh I'm so glad you two feel that way! I've always wanted an even bigger family! Like Charlie and Rose or Oli and Debora!!" Mum said, happily. Oh my god, she has no idea that there will be more than one newborn on the way.

"Well we're going to be late meeting Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione. Come my dears" mum said, taking dad's hand and leading us into the fire place.

"Alli! Harry they're here!!" Mrs. Potter called.

"Hey Alli! Missed you! you could make it" Mr. Potter said, hugging my mum before awkwardly greeting dad.

"Allison! It's good to see you again!" Mrs. Weasley said, running out of the kitchen with Mr. Weasley, Hugo, and Rose behind her.

Well once again we're here at The Potter's house for our monthly get together. Scorpius is excited as, he gets to see Rose and I just want to get this over with because, seeing Al after our very painful break up is going to be extremely awkward. Mum is at ease as always and Dad looks like he can't wait to "unsober" himself. Fortunately they still haven't caught on to my "condition".

Dad goes off with the men while mum goes to the kitchen to tell her good news to her friends and I am left alone, while Scorpius goes for a walk outside with Rose. I'm actually glad that I haven't seen Al today, I think I'd start crying hysterically if I saw him right now.

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