Final Chapter

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Final Chapter

The Last Day of Al and Scorp's Years at Hogwarts: Kings Cross Station

So here I am, standing in the middle of Kings Cross Station. Watching as everyone passes me by. Their judgmental stares as they see the one year old in my arms. I don't look much different now. Mum and Dad have gone off to congratulate Al, Scorpius, Rose and the others. They all graduated Hogwarts. I didn't feel much like congratulating anyone, especially because Blaine and Erien were in that group.

"Daddy!" Tamsin squealed happily. I turned to look at the man that was now Albus Potter. He looked like he'd gained some muscle. Not that I always look at him anyway. We don't speak at Hogwarts and we barely speak when he's over for the holidays. But, I had also found a pretty good friend in Blaine. He wasn't as snobby as I had first thought him to be.

"Hey! Tam! I missed you!" he said, taking her out of my arms and kissing her forehead. She laughed as he cuddled her and I watched. I wish that he would find it in his heart to forgive all of our bollocks from the previous year. But, I'm a Malfoy and too proud to apologize first, especially because he still thinks I am into Erien. Prat.

"Congrats on completing N.E.W.T. year, Al. I guess Slytherin will have to find a new Seeker and Captain. The team won't be the same without you" I said to him. I also wanted to say that I will not be the same without him either as, Tam will be spending family holidays with Al's family this year.

"Thanks Alli, you're next after this summer. Good luck and all. I should know. Those exams kicked my arse" he said, handing her back to me.

"Well, I guess you have to go and celebrate huh?" I said, awkwardly. Frick, I thought I was past the weird awkwardness. I really need to just shove my foot into my mouth. Only, I'm not that flexible. Muggles really do have weird sayings.

"Yeah, we're going to dinner. I'll see you this weekend then?" he asked, also awkwardly. Well, at least I'm not the only one.

"Yep, this weekend. Bye Al" I said, turning towards where my family was congratulating Scorpius, Laurel, and Phillipe on their successful transitions from Hogwarts to the Wizarding world. They really do look like vampires. Max and Sabine were hugging mum and Scorpius and then they left with my Vampire like cousins.

"Congrats Scorp" I said, kissing his cheek.

"Thanks Alli" he said, hugging me and then kissing his niece. "Don't you think you ought to go after him?" Scorpius said, as he loosened his tie.

"Nope. Al and I have yet to make complete peace. Now if you'll excuse me, I haven't had a chance to congratulate Blaine yet" I said, walking over to him and his family. It seemed that over Spring break, Uncle Blaise and Aunt Romilda had made up. Edward was kissing Chris and hugging him tightly. While their parents walked over to mine and started talking.

"Well, don't you think it's about time you came here and gave me my hug Peach?" Blaine said, opening his arms. I smiled as he hugged the two of us carefully.

"Congratulations Blaine. You did it" I said, and he kissed my cheek.

"It's a happy day and I can still see the sadness in your eyes. Why don't you go catch up to him and tell him how you feel?" Blaine said, in a knowing way. What is it with these bloody wizards these days? They're all about trying to get me back together with the bloke that impreggered me. Meh.

"No. Absolutely not. Al won't listen and I'm sure he won't believe me" I said, chancing a glance across the station. He had stopped to talk to a few remaining former seventh years.

"Oh come now, Peach. I'm sure he'll listen. Take this chance before he goes to work for the Ministry. You know there are a lot of witches who would love to get their claws on Albus Potter. Then, you'll end up alone" he said, putting an arm around me.

"He can do better than me. I'm just the mental girl he knocked up" I said, staring down at the miracle that came from all of that madness. Her wide green eyes seemed to be looking deep into my soul. Great, I must be going crazy. She's only a year old. Alli, you really are going mad.

"Listen Peach, you really need to stop thinking of yourself like that" Blaine said, taking Tamsin out of my arms. "Now go get him Peach" he said, pushing me in Al's direction.

I was so caught off guard that I ended up falling face flat on the floor. At Al's feet. I'm going to murder Blaine Zabini. He will be nonexistent when I get up off of this floor. "Holy crap! Alli, are you okay?" Al said, taking me by the arms and helping me up.

I looked up at his face and felt a warm liquid drip from my nostrils. Fuck. I'm bleeding. My hands and knees are all scratched up and my hair is a mess. I look like a lunatic and still all I can think is about how amazing Al's eyes are. And about how, every time I think about him, my heart goes all wobbly and I can't think straight. Except that, I can't ever think straight. He just makes me even more not able to think straight.

So here goes. "Al, I-"

"Hold that thought Alli" he said, interrupting me. Rude. He stood there for a second, as if trying to find the words. Merlin, his eyes are just so beautiful. I felt like I could just drown in them.

He let go of my arms and stared deep into my eyes. His hand made its way to my slightly bruised cheek and he let it rest there. "Alli, I'm sorry I was an arsehole to you. Erien told me everything just now. I should have believed you when you said you didn't like him. You are the most mental and just plain weird girl I've ever met. You never make any sense and sometimes you make me so crazy that I want to rip my hair out. But it doesn't matter because, no matter how mad, weird, annoying, and mental you are...I will always love you. I've loved you for so long. I love you so much that I never wanted to see you with anyone else but me. I love you so much that I didn't have the bollocks to try to get you back. I love you so much that just the thought of spending even a second in your company makes me so crazy I can't even think straight. My heart goes crazy when I see you. It feels as though it will rip out any second. I love you Allisha Malfoy" Al said, gazing at me anxiously.

"I love you too, you stupid arsehole! I can't believe you took so long! You are the biggest wanker in the entire wizarding world!" I cried, punching his chest and then he kissed me. Despite the fact that my blood had spilled down to my lips, he kissed me. And I kissed him back. What could I do? The bloke just professed his love to me, albeit in a very rude and strange way but, he did it his way.

"We really are quite a strange pair" he said, as he smiled. I smiled back and wiped the blood from his lips. Then I wiped mine and the rest from my nose. He then wiped the tears from my eyes and all I could see was him. It was as if no one else existed. Just me and just Al.

"We really are. I'm just glad you finally came to your senses, Albus Potter" I said, as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. I smiled and he moved his face closer to mine.

"Me too Alli. Me too," and then he kissed me again. I guess even mental and socially inept girls can get their happiness. It just takes a little bit of magic, love, and a push to the ground from your friends.

A/N: So there it is. The end to TBAM.

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