Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

So now we are home, with the newest member of the Malfoy family. How sweet is that? He's so cute, he just smiles at everyone and he really really smiles when I walk in. It makes me happy. My baby brother already loves me. That made me smile, at least one member of the Malfoy family wasn't in some way or another disappointed in me.

So today was the day that Scorpius would forgive Al and he would try to make up with Rose. I hoped everything would go okay. I sat in the large sitting room while mum knitted a pair of soft white booties for Mason who was currently in his expensive Bassinet next to her. Dad was at work and Scorpius was pacing upstairs in his room nervously. "Mum, when do you think they'll get here?" I asked, looking up at the super expensive clock above the white marble mantle.

"I don't know love, I do know your father will be here early. He's going to be coming home early for the next few weeks, until your baby is born" Mum said, as she put the finishing touches on the booties.

"Oh how nice of him" I muttered, as the door opened. Well, speak of the Devil and the Devil will appear. "Hi Daddy" I said, as he walked in looking rather irritated.

"Not now Princess, I'm not in the mood" Dad said, plopping himself on the couch next to Mum.

"What's wrong my Love?" Mum asked, as Dad picked Mason up.

"Just a lot of shite at the office today" Draco replied, as he cuddled his son.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. Blaise's custody case again?" Mum asked, starting on a white cap for Mason. Merlin the woman can knit.

"Romilda is not giving up without a fight, I can tell you that much" Dad said, as he cradled Mason in his arms. It's funny that Mason and I are the only Malfoy's that do not have blonde hair. Now there will be a third Malfoy without blonde hair, a Malfoy that will also resemble a Potter. Dad is going to murder me and Al and then disown our love child. That's how I see it anyway.

"So Blaise actually cares about someone other than himself?" Mum says, not looking up from her knitting.

"Yes, Since Georgia is of age, he is fighting for custody of Blaine and Edward" Dad said, in a bored tone.

"This must be tearing those boys apart" Mum said, as she put the finishing touches on Mason's matching cap and placed it carefully over his soft light brown hair. She really knits too fast.

"Well yes, Edward wants to go with his mother whereas Blaine wants to go with Blaise" Dad replied, when the doorbell rang. I got up to answer it knowing Scorpius would be down any moment.

As I opened the door Rose's voice yelled something that should not have been yelled. "Well I'm still mad because you two toerags never told me you are the father of Allisha's baby!"

"WHAT?" Dad's voice bellowed. I followed him to the door cringing as he stomped over to Al and Rose. Mum was now holding a crying Mason to her chest. I was frightened for dear life.

Well, just when I thought my life couldn't get anymore crap, it did. What in Bloody Hell have I just gotten myself into? Dad just found out Al is the father and is threatening to press charges and have all of his parental rights revoked. AARGGHHHH!

"Oh water broke" I said, looking down at the watery mess between my legs. "Daddy" I said, and he tore his glaring eyes from Al's frightened face.

"Scorpius! Get down here! Your sister's water broke!" Mum called, frantically.

Scorpius ran from his room and as he tried to run down the stairs he tripped all the way down. He jumped up as if he hadn't just fallen down twenty steps. "Alright! Okay! I'm cool! I'm good! Let's go!" He said, taking my arm and pulling me into the fireplace. I could feel the pain and I began breathing extremely hard. Fuck this hurts!

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