Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

"Oh Merlin! Someone get Professor Morningstar!" Cam shouted, to Sean who ran to go find Norah's dad. I ran as fast as my belly would allow me to help Cam with Norah. She was moaning in pain and her breathing was loud and uneven.

About a minute later, Norah's dad, Professor Edvard Morningstar was running frantically towards us with his wife Aludra in tow. They were both looking quite frantic as they reached us. Kiley also came running behind them as the rest of the Morningstars made their way to where Norah was cutting off the circulation to Cam's arms. If that is what I'm feeling in a few months, the frick.

"Come on Aludra! We have to get Norah to St. Mungos" Edvard yelled, as he and she grabbed onto her as well. And with that, all of us rushed into Professor Longbottom's office. Aludra and Edvard took Norah with them and Kiley, Cam, and I got to go because Norah screamed for us. The rest of the Morningstars would wait in the office for news of the soon to be born baby.

When we all got into St. Mungos, Norah was rushed into a room where she was made to strip and put on one of those weird gown thingies. Her legs were spread and she was screaming her head off. The Healer walked in and I was surprised to see Kiley's older brother Jack. He was tall and handsome with long black hair and bright sapphire eyes. He was like an older pre-emo Kiley. "Norah, you need to breath" he said, as Cam took hold of her hand once more.

Edvard looked at him a little hostilely but instead turned his attention to his screaming daughter. I bet he wasn't expecting to see her this way for at least ten more years. Well, my parents were next in line for that event. "Is she going to be okay Jack?" Aludra asked, turning her anxious yellow-wine eyes to her daughter.

"She's going to be fine Mrs. Morningstar. It's just being a little stubborn. The baby will come out when it's ready. She's not even fully dilated yet, so please just relax" he said, looking at Kiley for a second before turning back to Norah.

"WELL, WHEN THE FUCK IS IT GOING TO COME THE FUCK OUT!" Norah screamed, surprising all of us. Norah hardly ever raised her voice and as long as I've known her, I don't think I've ever heard her say the word fuck.

"Just four more centimeters Norah" Jack said, as another Healer walked in with a chart. It was Jack's fiancée Elizabeth Wood. The eldest of the Wood females.

"How is she doing?" Elizabeth asked, taking a look at Norah's womanly bits. "Ah almost there sweetpea, just hold on a little longer" she crooned, soothingly. "Just breath"

"I'm FUCKING trying!" she groaned, through gritted teeth. I looked to Kiley who has been staring in disbelief when our eyes met. He cringed at me, and I knew what he was thinking.

"My poor baby" Aludra whispered, as Edvard wrapped his arm around her shoulders. They looked like they were in just as much pain as she was.

"Come on Norah, just a little more. You're almost there" Cam whispered, as he stroked her sweaty purple face. Her hair was completely soaked in sweat and she looked like a big purple grape. If I wasn't feeling her pain, I would have laughed at the sight. But as I soon will suffer like that, I was so not laughing.

"OH VOLDEMORT'S SAGGY LEFT-ARGH!" she screamed, making her parents frown. I just wanted to laugh but noone else was so, I didn't.

"She's almost fully dilated! Just hold on Norah, breath!" Jack said, as Elizabeth ran to get the Head Healer.

A minute later Jack runs in with his father Jack Sr. "She's fully dilated" Elizabeth says, to the two identical men. Kiley just turned away and continued looking at Norah. Although, it looked like he wanted to look anywhere but at her. Cam was smiling as the moment drew nearer.

"Alright Norah, it's time for you to push" Jack Sr. said, as Cam stroked her hair. "Now push" he said, getting in front of her woman bits. I seriously hope that a female Healer with tend to me when it's my turn.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she screamed a blood curdling scream as she pushed. And pushed. And pushed. Until finally, a baby's cry broke the tension. She fell back into the pillows and Cam looked the happiest I've ever seen him.

Aludra and Edvard walk over to their daughter and Aludra bursts into tears, as her husband shakes Cam's hand. Jack Sr. smiles as he wraps the baby in a blanket and turns to Norah. I look at my bestfriend and smile brightly. I think I'm actually crying. The little baby in her arms is just perfect, it's a girl. She has Norah's wine colored eyes and Cam's brown hair, at the moment as, I'm sure she inherited Norah's Metamorph genes. Kiley wraps an arm around my shoulders and for the first time in a long time, everything felt alright between us.

"Congratulations" Jack Sr. says, as he and the other Healers walk out of the room.

"Oh Norah she's so perfect" I whisper, as Kiley hugs Cam and we all stare at the baby.

"What's her name dearest?" Aludra asks, as her husband smiles proudly at his daughter.

"Aludra, Aludra Loracia Finch-Fletchley Morningstar" she whispers hoarsely, having just screamed her lungs raw.

"Oh sweetie" Aludra whispers, kissing her daughter.

"Congratulations Cameron, I suppose we ought to owl your parents now" Edvard said, leaving the room with Aludra.

"I can't believe it. I'm a father" Cam whispers, as he wraps his arms around Norah and baby Aludra.

"Congrats Cam" Kiley said, smiling at his bestfriend. He looks at me and pulls me into the first real hug we've shared in a long time. And I knew now that nothing would ever ruin us.

A/N: And sorry to cut it short.

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