Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

About a month later, I have been feeling very ill and by this point I was hoping it wasn't what I thought it was and just some fatal disease. I was hoping for the fatal disease because if it's what I think it is, I'll be dead any way. So, yeah I went and nicked a pregnancy test potion from the Hospital wing and locked myself in the bathroom. A few minutes later, I'm sitting on the edge of the tub with tears streaming from my eyes. I can't believe it. I'm pregnant. I'm fifteen. It's Albus Potter's baby. I'm pregnant, fifteen, and it's Albus Potter's baby.

I'm not going to tell anyone. Not yet. Not now. Oh god. I have to tell him. I have to tell Albus. I have to tell my Mum. Not dad. Not Scorpius. They'll kill him. OH GOD! I'm contemplating running away when there is a knock at the door. "It's occupied" I call through the door.

"Alli, it's Norah. I really have to pee! Open the door!" she calls. I sigh and get up to open the door. I am face to face with my pregnant bestfriend, her hair is a nice sensible chestnut brown today. Damn her metamorphy genes.

"Al, are you alright? Why were you crying? What's going on?" she asked, as she walks in, closes the door, pulls her knickers down and sits on the toilet. Nice. I can hear her pee and she wants to talk about why I'm crying? Well, I'm not going to tell her. I'm going to wait five months like she did.

"I'm fine, I was just thinking. Gotta go" I say quickly, rushing out of the bathroom.

Fuck so, I now know that I have to talk to Albus about my well...our situation. What the hell am I going to say? Um I'm pregnant with your child and I think we should get married? No way. I'm too young for any of this! My dad is going to have the biggest shit fit known to wizard and mugglekind alike. Talk about going against the blood line.

I leave the common room in search of Albus. Why is it that when I need to talk to him, he's nowhere in sight? Sheesh. Where the in bloody arse is Albus? Maybe he's with my brother. I hope not. I really need to talk to him now. I spot him leaving the boys bathroom by himself, and run straight into his unsuspecting arms. At this point I'm so overcome with emotions that I'm bawling like a big baby while he holds me, looking extremely perplexed.

"Alli? What's going on? Why are you crying love?" he asks, holding me closer against his body. I really wanted to tell him except, I couldn't stop crying. Why the fuck am I crying so damn much? Damn little peanut inside me!! I know it's the little thing in me. Grrr..It's only been a month and it's already wreaking havoc with my hormones.

I stopped crying rather abruptly and looked up into his beautiful bright green eyes. "I'm pregnant" I mumble, looking down now.

"Pardon?" he asked, leaning in closer.

"I'M PREGNANT" I say, louder and slower.

"WHAT?! How? When?" he splutters, letting go of me.

"Uh I guess the first time we shagged unless it was the second time that did it" I say, getting a little angry now.

"Oh Merlin. Oh Merlin. Oh MERLIN" he said, backing away a little.

"Can you please say something besides, 'Oh Merlin'?" I say, getting irritated.

"You can't be pregnant. Are you sure?" he asks, taking me into his arms again. It actually made me feel a little better. Yes, I think we'll be fine. As long as my brother and father don't kill him once they've found out.

"I took a test Albus. I am pregnant. Of course you know what this means. Right?" I said, looking up at him. My hands were up against his chest now. "Oh Merlin...what are we going to do?" I sob. Here come the waterworks, again. Who would have thought all of this crap could happen to me? When, I'd hoped for an eventful year, I didn't mean for everything that has so far happened to happen!!

"It's okay Alli, I'll figure something out. We will figure something out. I promise" he whispered, hugging me against his body. I guess I was hoping he'd say that. Take responsibility for the thing he put inside me and all that. Well, he's sixteen and I'm fifteen. We are going to become teen parents. Like Cam and Norah. Except that our baby will come out completely damaged because of me. And my Dad. If he doesn't disown me after he finds out I'm carrying the spawn of a Potter.

Later, I'm walking alone contemplating Al's and my conversation when, Susanna found me and asked me to go with her to see her twin sister Lina, who is in Gryffindor. She'd said Lina told her she had some 'wonderful news' and said to bring a friend. She also told me that she was looking for Charlie but found me instead and that I was better than nothing. Nice.

"So, do you know what it's about?" I ask as we approach Gryffindor tower.

"No idea" she said, looking slightly nervous. Hmm, I wonder what's up? Besides that, we finally get inside Gryffindor Tower and Susanna sighs happily when she sees that Charlie is there too. With the other Wood siblings. Fuck. I haven't spoken to Cole, Billy, and Sean since that incident and they are now looking at me a little too strangely for my liking. Jade is admiring her emerald painted nails, for lack of a better thing to do.

"Lina can you hurry and tell us what this is about? I've got to meet up with some friends" Jade says, in a bored voice.

"Just hold on a sec, he's not here yet" she says, looking at the entrance patiently.

"Who-" Susanna started to say but was interrupted when Matt Flint walked in and stood right next to her. What's going on here?

"Okay well, here goes!! Matt's proposed to me and I said yes! We're getting married after seventh year!" she said, excitedly, as he wrapped his arm around her waist. Susanna's mouth fell open and Jade glared at the happy couple in front of us. Charlie just placed a hand on Susanna's shoulder but, for once she didn't blush.

It was at this strange moment, that my jaw nearly pulled itself apart. Hell must have frozen over. Supposed long time enemies Lina Wood and Matt Flint were engaged. I tried to comfort Susanna, knowing she would not be feeling so cheery, when she finally gets her voice back.

"Dad's going to have a shit fit Lin. But hey, it's your arse. Congrats Flint" Jade said, leaving the room.

Charlie just shook Matt's hand and kissed Lina's cheek. "Come on Susanna, say something" I muttered, nudging her hard in the ribs. This seemed to have worked as she came out of her catatonic state and spluttered a half-strangled cry of congratulations. Lina smiled thinking that Susanna was merely overcome with joy. But, Charlie and I knew that this was not the case. That's so weird though. Lina's marrying her half brother's half brother. Is that even legal? Oh well. I guess love really is blind.

A/N: Okay so the chapter was centered more on Allisha's mad ramblings and then the talk with Al. Also, I apologize for theshortness of this chapter as well. 

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