Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

I've decided I'm over Albus. He's been a right jerk avoiding me and I still can't get over that kiss. Erien was so good at it. Then again, I haven't kissed a guy since before Al started acting all stupid. I've also decided to steer clear of Erien all together. I don't need Scorpius to lose all of his friends. Except for Blaine, he just likes being a prat. So it was just another one of those days and word has gotten around that I am pregnant. The only thing not out and I thank Merlin for this is the identity of the baby's father.

I was just thinking about confronting Al when someone pushed violently passed me at which point my bum slammed into the ground. "Oh shite! I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" asked an unfamiliar deep Scottish voice.

"Yeah, I am but, my bum's not" I said, making sure my baby bump was safe.

"Let me help you up Miss Malfoy" he said, offering his large hand. I looked at it and sighed before taking it. He pulled me up with ease, it was as if I hardly weighed anything at all.

"Don't call me Miss Malfoy it's Al-Alli" I said, looking up into the most gorgeous honey hazel eyes. He was Professor Crimson's son. His hair was a tousled brown and he was tall and fit.

"Alright then Alli. I hope I didn't hurt your baby" he said, letting my hand go. "See you around" he said, leaving me in awe. I think..I'm in love. Sean Crimson is nothing like his younger half-brothers and extremely fit looking. Only, he's a seventh year and I am merely mortal and fifteen. It's like this Sex God was created for me to desire. Yes, desire but, never have. I wonder why I've never noticed him before. Oh well, no time to dwell upon stupid things. He will be mine.

He was just so gorgeous and so sweet. And, he had a nice bum. That was definitely a plus. He was the first person in a long time who didn't look at me with judgment in his eyes. It made me feel better about myself. I had to talk to someone about this. I really wish Hogwarts employed psychological Healers. But who could I talk to? Not Al as he is currently avoiding me and definitely not Scorpius. Even though I should give him a piece of my mind. So, I was sitting all by my pregnant self at the lake, watching the giant squid. When I heard someone walk walking behind me. I didn't look because I didn't feel like talking to whoever it was. "You dropped this" said that gorgeous voice.

I wanted to be cool so I didn't look up. I heard him sigh and he sat down beside me. I had to work hard to keep my breathing normal. I could smell his cologne and it made me mental. I finally looked at him and tried not to blush as his honey hazel eyes bore into my own. He was holding the necklace Al had gotten me for Christmas. "Er...Eh...T-Thanks Sean" I muttered, as the baby kicked the bollocks out of my insides. I flinched as he handed me the necklace.

"Are you alright?" he asked, placing his hand against my shoulder. I wanted to scream in happiness but, than he would think I was mental or something.

"Eh yeah, the baby's kicking" I said, grimacing a little.

"Oh, can I uh..can I feel?" he asked, making me almost faint. Holy Merlin's arse! He wants to feel my baby kick!

"Sure, go ahead" I said, in a surprisingly calm voice. I pulled my jumper off and exposed my gargantuan belly.

"Really? You don't mind?" he asked, looking at my belly. It made me really self-conscious.

"Go ahead, before it stops" I said, biting my bottom lip. He smiled his very perfect beautiful smile and very carefully put his hand on my stomach. I inhaled deeply as his smile became a look of wonder. The baby kicked at the exact spot his hand touched.

"Wow, that's incredible" he said, in a wistful tone.

"Well not if you're me" I said, as the baby finally stopped kicking. He smiled again and let his hand slide off of my belly. It gave me shivers what he did. "The baby just keeps on kicking, a lot" I said, as I pulled my jumper over my belly.

"Do you know what it's going to be?" he asked, smiling at me.

"My mum knows but I told her to make it a surprise" I said, blushing at him.

"Oh well, when are you due?" he asked, looking at me with his mesmerizing eyes.

"August, and so is my mum" I muttered, for lack of better thing to say.

"Must be tough being pregnant at the same time as your mother" he said, touching my shoulder. I felt my thighs explode in heat as soon as his fingertips made contact with the skin of my neck. Who knew being pregnant made you feel that randy with the simplest of touches.

"Tougher when your father is pressuring you to tell him the name of the father so that he can annihilate him" I said, making him chuckle softly.

"I bet it is. Well, I have to go. See you Allisha" he said, getting up to walk away. I looked up and smiled, I didn't even care that he had called me Allisha. I liked the sound of my name when he said it. I watched his bum as he walked away and smiled to myself. Great bum, that's for sure.

"Bye, Sean" I said, as he walked farther and farther away. All I could do was stare as this great sex God walked away. He was so cool that he didn't even look back. On his way into the castle I saw him stop to talk to Norah and Cam on their way out. Then Norah sort of crouched over as liquid gushed down from between her legs.

"My water broke!" She yelled. And that is when all hell broke loose.

A/N: Sorry to leave it here but I just really wanted to finish thischapter up. It's also a filler. The chapter you've all hopefully been waitingfor. The birth of Cam and Norah's baby! 

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