Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

December-Christmas Holiday-Alli's 6th Year

A lot of boring crap happened for the first half of my sixth year, it was pretty uneventful. Al has been pretty distant since that day in my house over the summer. He still pops by to see Tamsin but other than that, I don't really see much of him. At five months Tamsin was absolutely beautiful. Her pale blonde hair was as untidy as Al's and her green eyes, innocent and mischievous all at once. She was crawling quite a lot and loved to get into everything. Mason was the same except every now and then, his face made that same scathing Malfoy look. He definitely was a Malfoy.

I couldn't tell if Tamsin was more Malfoy or more Potter. I guess I would have to wait until she was older. Al and Rose were having Christmas dinner with us Rose, for Scorpius, and Al for Tamsin. This year, Mum said we didn't have to get dressed up since Grandmum and Granddad were spending it in Scotland with Dad's Cousin Lenora and her family. That was one plus, but there were so many damn negatives. Teddy was coming over with Victoire to show mum their newborn daughter Mirabelle. She'd just been born about three days ago.

Theo also had a baby with his wife Amandine, it had turned out that she had gotten pregnant a few months before I gave birth. They'd had a "shotgun wedding" Mum says it's called that when you're getting married because the female got pregnant and didn't want her child to be a bastard. Nice. In any case, it was a simple but entirely loving and beautiful ceremony. Amandine had given birth to a little boy they'd named Michel (French pronunciation) and they were also coming over to show off their few months old son. His parents decided to spend Christmas with Thea and Melena in France. So Theo and Mandi were coming here since, Dad was Theo's Godfather.

"Alli, Theo and his family are here" mum said, walking in with Mason in her arms. His hair still showed no signs of lightening or darkening. Guess he was the strange one in the family.

"Theo! I cried, smiling at him. He was holding a beautiful baby boy with dark hair and ice-blue eyes. Amandine looked absolutely happy. She was proud of her husband and son. It made me smile to see Theo so happy.

"Hey Alli! You look great, love. You remember Mandi? And this is Michel, our son" Theo said, smiling at me.

"Oh yes, it's great to see you too and your son is beautiful" I said, as Tamsin pulled on the necklace Al had given me.

"Thank you! It is great to see you again Alli!" Mandi said, as she cuddled Michel.

"Great to see you too" I say, and she swoops down and kisses both of my cheeks. It must be a French thing because the Delacours and Mrs. Fleur Weasley do it all the time.

"Well Alli-girl, I'll see you at dinner. We've got to go visit Mandi's parents" Theo said, kissing my forehead and then Tamsin's. They both smiled and waved before leaving. They were just too perfect together. I was pretty jealous but this was Theo so, I couldn't think badly of them.

"Bye you two. Happy Christmas" I said, smiling at them. "Come on Tam, we've got to get you ready to see your prat of a dad" I muttered, making Scorpius frown at me. He'd been walking down the stairs looking perfectly perfect. Unlike me. The "Ruined" Malfoy.

"I don't see why you and Al have to be so stupid about everything. Alli can't you just have a normal relationship with him for once?" Scorpius said, making me stop on the top stair. He should talk. For months he ignored Al after finding out he was the father of my baby. "And don't act all mental when he shows up with Rose. It's Tamsin and Mason's first Christmas" Scorpius said, in a knowitall tone. Psh, can you believe he's talking to me like I don't know how to act?

"I know how to act normal thank you very much" I said, in my two year old voice.

"Yeah, I'd love to see that" he said, as the doorbell rang. I really hope it's Teddy and Victoire.

"Hey! Hello Scorpius, is your sister around?" Teddy said, his arm around Victoire's perfect waist. It looked as if she never gave birth except the perfect little blonde baby in her arms proved otherwise especially when the blonde turned to black, then brown, then red, then all the colors imaginable. Just like Teddy.

"Oh Ted she's beautiful" I said, smiling at them.

"Thank you Alli, and Tamsin is beautiful too" Victoire said, despite the extremely gaudy wedding, Victoire was surprisingly low maintenance. She wore light natural makeup and was usually in a pair of jeans and light blue or white silk or lace tops. Her long blonde hair was usually tied back in a ponytail.

"Thanks Victoire" I say, as Tamsin smiles at Teddy and Victoire. We stand there for a moment before mum asks Teddy and Vic to come into the sitting room. They follow her into the room and I am left alone with my five month old daughter. The doorbell rings again and I don't bother to look up. That would be Rose and Al. Erien and Blaine are probably with them too. If I was lucky, Blaine would be with his father and Erien would be terrorizing his family instead of me.

"Happy Christmas Eri, Blaine" Scorpius said, and at this point, I roll my eyes. So they are going to be here. I don't blame Blaine for being here as his family is currently suffering a messy divorce. Edward was probably spending Christmas with the Harkers since he is Chris's boyfriend. But Erien's family is practically perfect. So, he has no reason to be here.

"Happy Christmas mate" Blaine said, dropping his cloak on the cloak hanger. Erien did the same and they walked into the sitting room. Erien winked at me and I growled. I really do hate him. They were talking about the upcoming Quidditch match. I didn't even bother going back to the team. People still look at me all funny. To them I'm still Allisha Malfoy: Mental girl and mother of a Potter's baby. Secrets are never safe in the halls of Hogwarts.

The doorbell rings again and I sigh. Time to face the music. I open the door and Rose and Al are holding a few presents for Tamsin. How sweet. "Hello Alli, you look nice" Rose said, hugging me before going to see Scorpius. She left Al and me alone. Tamsin was pulling at the necklace which caused Al to look at it and exhale deeply. Were we even going to talk about what happened?

"Eh, come on in and put the presents under the tree. Thanks for coming Al. It's sweet that you want to be part of Tam's first Christmas" I said, as I walked to the stairs and sat down. Tamsin giggled as I bounced her on my knee.

"Don't be daft Allisha. Of course I want to be part of Tamsin's first Holiday. I want to be part of Tamsin's first everything" Al said, in an annoyed voice.

"Well excuse me for trying to make conversation Albus" I said, in an equally annoyed tone.

"Well you suck at making conversation! At least I don't go around snogging the pants off people's friends!" he blurted angrily. So this is what the bitterness was about.

"I didn't start it! He kissed me first! When the fuck are you going to realize that Erien Flint is a man-whore as well as a shitty person! He's a true Slytherin at heart!" I said, enraged by his accusation.

"You just can't stand it can you? That he has no interest in you what so ever! Look Allisha, just because Erien isn't interested doesn't mean you throw yourself at him and then try to pin it on him!" Al said, making my face grow hotter.

I placed Tamsin on the floor and then stood to face my accuser. "Why can't you just get it through your thick head that I can't stand Erien as much as I can't stand you!" I said, in a low menacing voice.

"I think it's best if we only see each other when I am picking up Tamsin. Don't bother dropping her off" he said, in a monotone voice.

"Fine!" I said, immaturely. I picked up Tamsin as Al headed into the dining room to join everybody else.


So much for a happy Christmas holiday.

A/N: Well, had to end it here. I had absolutely no idea what I was actually doing with this chapter. I just wanted to get it out of the way. The argument was really the only thing I wanted to write but, as I will be doing a sequel to this, I wanted to get some of the kids names out there. Two more to go!

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