Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

Malfoy Manor - April-Spring Vacation

Easter here at Malfoy Manor was never really important. Not since Scorpius and I were old enough to know that there was no Easter bunny. Now that Mason and Tamsin are here, we're all about celebrating every bloody holiday imaginable. It's quite annoying missing all of Tam's firsts since I am being forced to finish Hogwarts. Of course Mum's making sure they take lots of pictures and videos of everything she does.

Mason's even said his first word. Dad was very pleased to hear him say "Daddy" He's even started saying "Mummy". Typical. Tamsin only giggles. She has yet to speak her first word. I really hope I don't miss that. I'm her mum and I want to be the one to hear her first word. Not her bloody sperm donor, Albus Bloody Potter. Prat.

"Alli, your father and I are going out to have dinner with Roxxy and Liander. We'll be back later. Scorpius has Mason right now. See you later, we won't be out too late" Mum said, as she straightened the front of her light violet dress. For once, Mum and Dad weren't wearing their robes. They looked like rich Muggles. Dad looked like an arsehole and Mum looked like an overly nice middle-aged woman.

"Okay, you two behave yourselves" I said, grinning at my parents.

"Don't you stay up too late either Pet" Dad said, before they Flooed to Aunt Roxxy and Uncle Liander's.

I watched as Scorpius took Mason out for his daily stroll in the gardens. Scorpius had grown quite attached to Mason and which makes me think he wants to have kids someday. With Rose of course. They were a match made in Heaven. Much like Night and Cam. They were both so lucky.

"Come on Tam. Say Mummy" I said, as she teethed on her stuffed Hippogriff's foot. She just looked at me and giggled. "Come on, say Mummy" I said, again. All she did was grab a glob of her Peach puree baby food and throw it into my face and hair. Very nice. My baby likes to throw things.

"Don't throw your food Peanut" I said, and she threw some more. I was practically covered in this peach glop when the doorbell rang. I picked her up and walked to the door. Forgetting that I was covered in peach glop, I opened the door, coming face to face with Blaine. What the Hell is he doing here? And without Erien for once. "What the Hell are you doing here?" I asked, as his dark eyes, scrutinized me in judgment.

"I came by to see if Scorp wanted to go hang out at Erien's place. What's it to you, Peach?" he said, in his usual condescending tone. I really don't know how Scorpius could even bare being friends with Snobby Blaine, Whorey Erien, and Mental Albus.

"Well then you'll have to wait, Scorpius took Mason for a stroll in the gardens" I said, as Tamsin pulled my fringe with her peach smothered hand. Great, I'll be smelling of peaches for a while.

"Well, then I'll just sit in the sitting room" he said, walking past me. I followed him in and sat my sticky baby on the floor. "Tergeo" he said, pointing his wand at me and Tamsin. I forgot that he was seventeen now. Tam and I were completely clean now.

"Thanks Blaine" I muttered, as Tamsin crawled over to Blaine's legs and pulling on his pant legs.

"No problem, Peach" he said, picking her up and sitting her on his lap.

"You're never going to stop calling me that, huh?" I said, sitting next to him.

"Never" he said, as he bounced her on his leg. So, Blaine Zabini has a heart? Who knew? He seemed to really like her. It was nice to see him interact so sweetly with her. I guess the snobbery is just a mask. At least, I think so. "So, what'd you do to Al, anyway?" he asked, feigning disinterest.

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