Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

A/N: This chapter is going to be a Kiley and Jaden special, as in just completely in Kiley's and Jaden's points of view! I hope you enjoy this trip into Kiley's and Jaden's minds as I'm sure you've been wondering about the other guys. 


It's weird now, Norah not being here just having given birth. Cam looks happy but at the same time I can tell that he is sad, just like I can tell that Alli is sad. She is sad because the bastard that impregnated her is not taking responsibility, whoever he is. I have my suspicions but, now that Alli and I are okay I won't say anything.

I may not say a lot of things but I observe. I think. And Albus Potter is a strange bloke. He used to hang around Alli but, eversince the day of Professor Lupin's wedding, he's been avoiding her. Even Scorpius isn't hanging around him. I wonder what happened. I have too many problems of my own as it is. I just can't believe that Dad isn't speaking to Chris because he's a poof. Which means that mum isn't speaking to Dad. Which means that Jack, Ryan, and Ewan are avoiding the house. Which means that Jack and Ewan are suffering because they are both Healers that work under dad. Only Ryan doesn't have to suffer. Well, he has to put up with mum at the Ministry of Magic.

I don't see Alli out a lot these days as she is always spending her time in her dorm alone. She's been avoiding everyone except for Sean Crimson. It's kind of annoying actually. Also, I've been thinking about breaking up with May. She's just so clingy and annoying. Sure she was hot but, in a superficial way. So, here I am, sitting in the common room waiting for Cam to get ready, to go to Matt Flint's Stag Party. I don't even know why we got invited. We're only in fifth year. And, why is he having the party now? They're not getting married until the Summer.

But, as luck would have it, we did get invited. Everyone was still being nice to Cam and happy for him and still congratulating him in the halls. "Come on Kile, time to celebrate! Life and love are all around! Let's go!" Cam said, smiling brightly. I rolled my eyes and stood up, as he pranced around all happily. I think this is the happiest I've ever seen him.

"I'm coming" I muttered, following him out of the common room. I've decided to let my hair grow back. I do miss it. But, I'm far from who I used to be. There is definitely no going back. As we wandered down the corridors, to the Room of Requirement I thought to myself. Maybe I could be the father of Alli's baby. Sure I didn't sleep with her but, I would like to be there for her. Maybe it would prove to her how much I want to be with her. "Why are we going to this anyway? Matt Flint is a seventh year" I asked, as we stood in front of the large door.

"Because Matt invited us. He's a nice bloke and you know the other blokes are going to be there. Now stop sulking Kiley" Cam said, as Matt let us in. "Congrats on your engagement Matt" Cam said, shaking his hand.

"Thanks and Congrats on your baby! Hey Kiley, come on in" Matt said, as we entered the large party room. It was exactly like a small nightclub and every guy was just drinking and hanging out.

"Yeah, Norah will be back in a month" Cam said, as he made his way to the refreshments. By which I mean, the Fire Whiskey. He was definitely celebrating tonight. I decided to go find a corner to sit down and brood. Contemplate my life. There was nobody here that I can even talk to.


Poor Alli, she really doesn't need to pine over my prat of a cousin. And now I'm stuck here at this stupid party without Sam because he's sick. This is so not awesome. A bunch of randy straight boys and nobody to talk to. Oh no wait, there's Cam but, he's with that brooding prat Kiley. He never did like me much. Pfft. Always jealous that I share a closeness with Alli that he'll never achieve. I clutched my glass of Fire Whiskey and frowned, so many fitties and yet nobody to talk to. Oh no wait, there's Tyler. "Hello Jaden, you're looking quite stunning all in black tonight. A little Funeral Director type but, fabby fab. So, where's Samson?" Tyler asked, smiling so that the light reflected off of his rainbow braces.

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