Back to the hotel

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I get off the car so tired I could pass out right now in the lobby. I don't want to continue walking anymore. I make my way inside the hotel and see Karla and Jungkook sitting in lobby all close and touchy with one another. I felt happy but envious at the same time like why is it so hard for me and Yoongi to be like that.

I walk right up to them "Guys we are in a hotel go to your room if you gonna be like that" I put my hands on my hips. I motion my head towards the elevator. "Just cuz you and Yoongi aren't acting all gooey like us doesn't mean you have to run us off" Jungkook gives me a side eye. Karla moves his arm that was around her shoulders and scoot over.

"I don't think you really want to mess with me right now," I take one my hands off my hips and extend toward him with my index finger pointing right at him. "Especially bring that up to me, knowing very well you know more about what Yoongi is thinking than me"

"Sorry, it was wrong of me to bring that up now, sorry," he gets up and hugs me. I don't know how to react right now because no one has actually hugged me about what is going on. I want to tear up a bit ....

"So I guess you can hug other guys" I didn't want to move because I already know who that was and I don't have the energy to tell him. I look up at Jungkook "You want me to get Yoongi for you, Y/N." He leans back to grab Karla's hand.

"No, it's fine," I waved my hand at him. "I was on my way up to my room anyways no use of having another argument now," I give Karla a hug and wish a good night. I look at Jungkook "please don't get yoongi things just calmed down and I want everyone to end on a good night,okay" he nods at me. I give him a thankful smile. And make my way to elevator.

I hear footsteps behind. I don't want to talk to him not now. I'm exhausted, all I want is to sleep. I press the elevator button. I feel him right behind me, I don't turn around. The doors open I step in and press the button to the third floor. He steps in and stands next to me.

"I just want to talk it's all I ask from you." I thought this was gonna be a silent ride up but I guess not. I don't answer him. He steps in front of me and leans to press the red button. Stopping the whole elevator. He towers over me. I lean over to undo what he just did. He grabs my arm "talk to me, please."

" Taehyung," I look up at him then at his hand grip around my wrist. I breathe in deeply "Let go." I keep it short. He loosens his grip but still holding on.

"We kissed Y/N, did that mean nothing to you?" His eyes burning into mine. "I remember clearly that kicked you in balls and left you on the floor!" I wiggle my arm out of his grip.

The elevator doors open. I make my way around him and turn left to my room. I struggle to get the key out of my bag. I'm rumbling through it trying to find the key.

I make to my room, from the corner of my eye I still see him. "God, just go away, what don't you understand, I don't want you!" I turn to him "okay? I don't choose you, I choose him." I face back to my room and magically the key appears. I extend my hand over the key pad "ding" I turn the handle, gently push the door open enough just for me to get through.

Of course Taehyung push through door with me still standing there. I was in shock I can not believe what just happened. "I don't get you, you know?"

"That's not my problem, anymore and it never was Taehyung!" I push him trying to get him out the hotel room. He didn't even move or flinch. God I feel so pissed, I've never been this mad in my life.

I grab my phone from my bag. "If you don't leave I will call MY BOYFRIEND!" I unlock my phone. "Please leave now, and I won't tell him you pushed me or held me hostage in the elevator, Deal?"

His eyes are piercing into mine. I can tell he's angry, but I know what I feel now. I know that my heart belongs to Yoongi. That's not gonna change. Why won't he just leave us be.

"Did you ever have some feelings for me at all? Or were just using me to get to him?" He steps closer to me. I step back from him. I don't like this feeling, like something bad is about to happen.

He turns around, walks towards the door and closes it. I thought he was leaving but now it both us inside this room. I'm trembling I feel my breathing get heavier my knees are starting to feel weak. I have my phone in my hand, but I just feel paralyzed.

I have no idea what he's gonna do next... click hehe locks the door. He turns around and walks towards the desk, grabbing the chair and back to the door and put it under the handle. I don't know whether to run into the bathroom or just let whatever's gonna happen, happen.

He turns back towards me I'm just standing here doing nothing not calling my boyfriend for help. Not even screaming for somebody to come rescue me. I've never been in this position and I don't know what to do.

It's easy for people to say what they would do in certain situations but once that situation comes up, you freeze in the whole world just stops.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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