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The next morning I woke up to get ready for school. I looked at my phone and saw three miss call from "min" something ignored it and continued to get ready.

As I start remembering what happened yesterday, my eyes widen. How could've I forget about that crazy hot guy I saw yesterday, like how dumb can I be.

I walk down stairs I looked at the time kissed my mom goodbye. I'm walking toward the bus stop when I see car stop next to me and honk.

I turned my head and glanced at it. I saw a tall hot guy step out the car. "What's with that face? I called three times, why didn't you answer?" He said looking me with his arms on top his car in question.

He close the door and walks towards me. I make fist and start sticking my nails on the plam of hands to make sure this isn't a dream.

He grabs my hand and pulls me closer. I think to myself "Am I on a hidden camera show or something."

"Oh hey your they guy who kidnapped me yesterday, right!" I said laughing. He raised eyebrow.

I look down at what he is wearing and we're both wearing the same uniform from school! "OH you good to Casltepark! Did you start today?" I said.

"Oh yeah I actually moved here yesterday." He said. I remembered looking him up on the internet a bunch of stuff make out.

I remembered that his father is a rich man. And that Min Yoongi is rapper for this group's called BTS. And that they moved to Casltepark.

He is super famous but I honestly didn't care. He grab my hand "we're going to be late for school," he said as he pulls me and push me in the car.

He runs over to other side or the car, got in and he drove us to school in full speed. I didn'teven get chance to put my sit belt. I closed my eyes and I grabbed on to anything around me.

Once I felt car stop I opened my eyes, and saw myself holding onto his arm. He leaned over to me, he got so close to my face I feel my ears burning up.

"We're here! You can let go now," he said with a smirk on his face. I quickly let go and get out of the car and start walking. I feel awkward as I'm walking in school.

I look up, everybody is staring at me I get red. I see everybody whispering to each other. From the corner of my eye I see Min Yoongi walking up by me and put his arm around my neck.

I felt my whole face burning up. This is the first time getting this much attention from the kids at school.

We walk to class as I see my best friends running towards me. Karla and Annette. With the biggest smile on there face.

"New boyfriend!!" Screamed Karla. "No he is just someone I just met like yesterday," I replied. "Oooo yesterday!!" They both said.

I rolled my eyes on how annoying they were being. "He's just some teenage boy who goes to our school like everybody else," I said with an irritated tone.

I just wanted class to start hopefully not have him in my homeroom. The teacher walks finally "we have a new student with us today!" She said.

"Why Why Just Why" I thought to myself. "Hello everyone my name is Min Yoongi" he winked. All girls giggled.

"There's an empty sit next to Y/N, Y/N raise your hand," she said pointing at me. I saw him make a little smirk as he walked towards me.

He winked at me as he sat down. The bell ring for us to go to lunch. I saw all the girls run up towards Yoongi like if it was a black Friday sale.

"Will you eat with us" one girl said. I gathered my staff and walked towards the door. I looked at me him one last time. He looked and up and made eye contact with me.

I opened the door "I have to eat with my girlfriend," as he grab my hand and we walked out of the class together.

My eyes were so wide and felt my cheeks burning up all the way to my ears. I look down at my hand holding his.

"Let go, I'm not your girlfriend what ever happened yesterday was a one time thing," I said trying to swing my hand out his.

He was holding to me too tight. "I want you to meet my friends" opening the door "This is BTS," he said with a big gummy smile.

I bow down at  them greeting them all. Out of the six that were standing their only one caught my eye. Kim Taehyung, he looked like a God.

That came to earth to save me from the idiot standing next to me.

They practice as I did my homework for class and also did Yoongi's homework because he offered to buy food after school.

I couldn't say no to food. Food is life. I looked up at them and see them dancing. Yoongi winked at me, I rolled my eyes.

I was more focused on Taehyung. Looking at his jawline made me shiver. I looked my arms that were filled with goosebumps.

That's only because I think he is hot. I have never had a crush. So I wouldn't know how to feel.

The bell ring, time to go and get some free food. "What are you doing after school," asked Karla. "Getting me some free food," I said all childish.

"From where I want free food!" Annette yelled from across the room. Damn she has good ear when it comes to it.

"Sorry I don't know if he'll take y'all too?" I said putting my hand behind my head. "Oooo he huh what's his name, spell the tae!" Karla said as her eyes widen.

I ignored the question and continued to get ready to leave. "Y/N come on I'm hungry," Yoongi whined.

Karla and Annette turned at him and back at me. With the biggest smile on their faces.

I quickly get my backpack, speed walk towards him before they say anything stupid.

"Bye girls text you when I get home love y'all bye," I screamed grabbing onto Yoongi's collar and ran.

"You better tell us everything," they both screamed out. I chuckled and pushed the school doors open.

"Where's your car?" I asked him. "We still have to wait, someone else is coming with us too," he said waving at someone behind me.

My felt my face burning up, I look down "Taehyung," I whispered myself. I see two feet standing in front of me.

"Hey Y/N? Right the one at our practice," he extended his hand towards me. I shake his hand. IT'S SO SOFT!!

BTS Suga- My Old High School Romance Where stories live. Discover now