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I'm in Texas, I'm shocked because I thought I would never leave Korea in my life. My first time away from home and it feels weird being somewhere new.  I got up and Yoongi was grabbing our carry-on. I notice Annette arguing with Taehyung but he wasn't making eye contact with her.

Yoongi handed me my bag and we made our way off of the plane. Annette was mad about something Taehyung had done and I really wanted to know why, but it's not any of business now that they are together, they have to resolve their own problems. 

Yoongi was ahead of me, so I ran up behind him and grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers together. He looked down at me in surprise, I looked up at him. I stopped walking which made him stop walking. 

I stopped right in front him still holding his hand and wrap my other hand around his neck and pulled him closer to my face and kissed him. He wrapped his other hand around my waist and pulled me closer. It felt great to just kiss him like that, I felt relieved that he let me do it. 

I pulled out of our kiss and see Jimin and Hoseok looking at the both of us. Their eyes widen looking surprised that I kissed him just like that. "Oppa why are they staring at us like that," I said pouting. 

He looked down at me, his cheeks had gotten so red, it was cute as hell. I squeezed his hand and pulled him to get our luggage. I felt so happy to be with him. Jungkook and Karla were flirting like always. The girls and I waited outside the airport waiting for the guys to get the cars. 

"Hey did Taehung clear things with you?" Annette asked me. I didn't know she knew that he tried.  "He tried to but there was no need because I'm glad that you and he are together," I said with a smile.

"I really don't need him to clear things up with me, really he doesn't need to." I continued saying. "But I really don't want things to be awkward, you know," she said trying to reassure me. 

"Look, Annette, the only thing that's going to be awkward is that he does things up with me when all of that happened a week ago and I really don't need him to remind me, OKAY," I said in a sassy tone.

The guys come back from getting the cars, three cars. Of course, I'm going with Yoongi and Jungkook and Karla will be with us. We load most of our stuff into the car but lucky the third car has extra space.

"We still have a long way to go, so be ready, get snacks and drinks and a good pillow," said Yoongi with a big smile looking down on me. "Well, how I'm I supposed to have a good pillow if mine is going to be driving the way there," I said pouting, looking down and pulling on his sleeve.

I have never flirt this much in my entire life. I never thought Yoongi would blush so much either. "Well, you get to hold my hand and have my jacket while you sleep, Okay?" He said leaning down towards me and putting his hand on my chin lifting it to look at his face.

I blush hard, slapping his hand away to hug him which left him in surprise. I buried my face in his chest. Relishing in the soft cloud that was my lovely boyfriend. After a few seconds, I felt him chuckle, cute. As always Yoongi opens my door of the car like a gentleman, and Jungkook does the same for Karla.

We all get comfortable in the car, an hour in and Karla and Jungook are already asleep. While they sleep, I'm over here playing with Yoongi's hand. It felt warm and soft, like a puppy. My phone ringed a text message from Taehung but I chose not to answer. 

I turned off my phone and continued playing with Yoongi's hand. Yoongi squeeze my hand, "What was all that about?" He asked me looking worried. "It was no one, just Amber alerts," I said loosening up the grip of my hand. 

He continued holding my hand. I wanted to cry knowing that I had just lied to him like that. But right now it's for the better. I don't want to cause problems. We continued our ride with the hum of low quiet pop music in the background. I sigh and look out of my window and feel my eyes grow heavier and heavier until finally, I fall fast asleep. 

I woke up to the sound of the brakes coming to a screech. The next second I'm slammed onto the dashboard. "What the hell, Suga???" I yell at the top of my lungs. But then I look up and see about 3 - 4 cars all slammed into each other. 2 of the cars were smoking and the doors looked like they were jammed. 

I turn to look at Suga to see that he is already unbuckling his seatbelt and jumping out the car. I turn around and see that Karla and Jungkook are still asleep. I roll my eyes and hop out of the car to help Suga. 

I speed walk to the Mazda6 in the back and try opening the right back door but it won't budge. I go to the other side and it opens with ease. I help each person out of the car and to the shoulder of the road. After around 20 minutes every car is emptied out. Suga and I make our ways back to the car and sigh in relief. 

"Thanks for helping me out, I appreciate it." he said with a small smile. "You're welcome Oppa." I smile happily up at him.  "It just sucks that the rest of the guys  weren't here, where do you think they went?" Suga asked curiously. "Probably went pee or got snacks, let's just keep going I'm tired after all of this!" I look out the window but as I lay my head down I feel a strong hold mine and I smile.  

BTS Suga- My Old High School Romance Where stories live. Discover now