Chapter 14 - Presents of the Past

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The tent's flap was flung open promptly in the early morning hours, there was barely any light outside, the only light came from the lamps that had been lightened outside that hung on the brick buildings, "get up. We have a lot of traveling to do and certainly not enough hours in the day to do so." The commanding voice came shortly after the flap was pushed open way too aggressively.

Kenny was sitting up and rubbing his eyes, "it's way too early," he groaned with a yawn, he reached up and stretched.

They soon emerged from the tent following Cara towards the gate they'd entered just yesterday. Cara took the gear from a guard, handing Welt his overcoat and suit jacket, the blind man didn't say anything, he just nodded his head in approval. Welt received his handheld gun back as well as his thin rope. Kenny was handed his many knives and daggers. While Jett was given her disassembled sniper rifle in its many pieces and Gemma was passed her a knife. Gemma groaned in protest as she took the knife from the guard. Astrid took her sword from the guard and shoved it aggressively under her belt. Patrick was passed a sheathed sword, he studied it, "what am I supposed to do with this?" He asked stupidly.

"Use it to fight when we get to the battlefield, you'll need it. There are orcs lying around every single corner, be careful out there." Cara said, sighing, "we'll now ride." She gestured towards the horses that were being dragged by the guards.

Patrick mounted the horse, struggling to get his legs over the saddle, once everyone was seated they made their way out of the outpost, riding to the right then left around the outpost, the chilly weather made him shiver. Cara led the group that included a part of Welt's crew and ten guards all mounted on horses.

Cara soon slowed down as they were approaching a semi densely wooded area, they were told to dismount the horses and walk with them to get through the wooded area, "this is the safest path that we know of. The orcs typically don't dare to come in here because it's a densely wooded area, we can barely get through here with the horses."

Patrick gripped the reins of the horse, slowly entering the forest. The trees around him were really closely packed, Patrick was afraid that the horse might get stuck between the trees on multiple occasions.

"How many outposts are there?" Welt asked, the question came at a weird time.

Cara sighed, "A bunch... we are the kind of the last defense between the orcs and their total control over this planet."

The blind man sighed, "how long have you been fighting them?"

The general paused, his question seemed to puzzle her, "since as long as I can remember. I remember when I heard the story of something falling from the sky, it was passed down from my parents who learned it from their parents. The people who were under the control of the orcs at that time took it as a sign from the god Shicile and fought back, we've made so much progress." She sighed, running a hand through her hair, her helmet was strapped to the side of her horse.

Welt's face turned a ghostly white, "what was left at the crash site?" He asked hesitantly, almost like he didn't want to know the answer.

"If I recall correctly it was a piece of torn bloody clothing. It had caught on fire when they found the crash site. The survivors who managed to escape, which later incited riots and rebellions. Which resulted in the Revolution for Freedom. A lame name I know."

He was frozen to the spot, "Mr. Matthews, are you okay?" Jett asked, her face wasn't a normal expression, it was a look of confusion and concern etched over her eyes and mouth.

Patrick approached the blind man, he lifted his hand to touch his shoulder, Cara continued, "we have to continue fighting for tomorrow. And the day after that. The Supreme Leader, Luca will not rest until we rid this planet from the orcs."

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