Chapter 18 - Light Upon the Sky

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Patrick stood with Diana in an overly hot room for the boat, as soon as he'd stepped in, he began sweating profusely. Diana was ahead of him, making her way through the fiery stations where Patrick assumed other dwarves worked occasionally

"Welcome to the Forge, Patrick. Anything you could need, just find me and I'll make it for you." Diana grinned, raising her arms, to show him the place.

Patrick wiped his forehead with his sleeve, "why is it so hot in here?" He fanned his face with his hand.

Diana shrugged, "isn't it obvious why it's so hot?" She scoffed, shifting her feet as the boat began to tilt, "onto the next world I guess. First I'll need your measurements. Arms out to the side." She was holding a measuring tape and she pulled a stool towards him.

She stepped onto the stool and Patrick held his arms out to the side, she took his measurements and wrote each one down, "now what?" He asked, staring at her stunned.

"Material choice." She said, the door opened and Welt entered the Forge.

"Patrick, I didn't expect to see you here."

He glanced up to meet the blind man's eyes, "Is everything okay?"

Welt sighed, "yes. Everything is just fine, we're making our way towards the safe haven right now. Diana, could I have a replacement for the armor on my chest. I seemed to have... uh- misplaced mine."

"As soon as I finish up here with Patrick I'll get right on it, Mr. Matthews."

He gave her a curt nod, "thank you," then he turned on his heel and walked out the way he came.

Diana sighed, "what I was saying. A heavier material means more protection against knives and gunshots, but it means you'll be slower. Or you could have a lighter material but that means less protection against gunshots and knives like Mr. Matthews. And I'm guessing he didn't misplace his armor. I assume something else happened to it."

"Lighter would be preferred." Patrick answered, placing himself on the stool to be at a more reasonable level with the dwarf.

"Okay then... color."

"Dark blue."

"Alright, you may go now, I'll leave it in your room when I'm finished." Diana waved him out of the Forge.

Patrick left and made his way to the deck, "Patrick." Welt said from behind, as he emerged on the deck.

"Mr. Matthews," he addressed the man, "we're in space."

"Yes. Thank you for pointing the obvious out." Answered the blind man, he was holding a cigarette between his fingers, "well, Patrick," he began as Patrick took a seat next to him, "all will be revealed within time." He spoke with a soft tone, pausing before continuing, "you know in the stories where two people are fated to fall in love, but one always dies in the end?" Patrick nodded, without saying a word, "yeah? Well... I have a feeling that might be us. I lost Everett, you lost Alex and I'm beginning to think we were always meant to find each other."

In the distance Patrick saw the space stations beginning to come into view, "what are they?" He asked, pointing ahead of himself.

"I'm not entirely certain, I assume they are blocking something from happening. Possibly help in the war effort or something like that." Welt answered, the truth was he didn't actually know what they were.

"I couldn't agree more." He answered, watching as they approached the objects in space, "Mr. Matthews, why did you create the Elite Angels?"

"You're still on that topic?" He asked, glancing at Patrick, then into the distance, he sighed softly, "well... to begin with, I needed to create a hope that the evil wouldn't continue and it worked for some time. Now the people curse that name because of what happened."

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