Chapter 3: Plenty of Problems! Cooking and Court!

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"Today marked the day when Kazato was scheduled to visit the Quintuplet sisters' apartment and assist them with their studies. He received a text from Fuutarou earlier, informing him that Fuutarou had arrived and was already waiting for his arrival."

"As he rode the elevator, ascending through the floors, his thoughts drifted back to the last time he had been in the Quintuplet sisters' apartment. Everything had been going smoothly until Nino's ill-fated attempt to drug both him and Fuutarou. He couldn't help but mull over the unsettling words she had directed at him."


Nino: I did it to get rid of this psychopathic monster! He beats up people and rapes innocent girls! And he would even go as far to threaten others for their stuff! What he needs to do is go to prison.

Flashback end

Kazato's hand tightened into a clenched fist, a maelstrom of anger and frustration swirling within him, compelling him to seek an outlet, whether directed towards someone else or even turning inward, targeting himself.

However, he swiftly managed to regain his composure, realizing that letting his anger out wouldn't be conducive to the current situation. He recognized that his primary role was to be the girls' bodyguard and to contribute to their work pursuits.

As the elevator reached the top floor, he stepped out and walked toward the front door of the girls' apartment. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door, and a voice from inside responded, a voice he somehow recognized as Miku's.

Miku: Who is it?

Kazato: Hey Miku, it's me Kazato. I came here to help Fuutarou to assist you girls with your studies.

The door unlocked, and Miku welcomed him inside. He entered and made his way to the living room, where he observed that only Fuutarou and Miku were present in the room.

Kazato: Where is everyone else?

Miku: They're all inside their rooms.

Fuutarou: It appears we need to gather them. Alright, Kazato, you'll begin with Itsuki, and I'll go find Yotsuba. After that, you can approach Nino, and I'll handle Ichika.

Kazato felt a touch of frustration, not directed at Itsuki, but because he knew he had the challenging task of persuading Nino to join them. This was compounded by Fuutarou's memory lapse after being drugged, and the possibility that Itsuki might not have disclosed what transpired after he had lost consciousness.

Fuutarou: You, okay?

Kazato: Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just hurry up and get this over with.

The two boys reached the upper floor, with Kazato knocking on Itsuki's door while Fuutarou did the same with Yotsuba's. When Itsuki opened her bedroom door, her surprise was evident as she found Kazato standing there instead of Fuutarou.

Itsuki: Igarashi-kun hey, how are you doing?

Kazato: Hi Itsuki, any improvements in your studying so far?

Itsuki: Yes, I'm only making so little progress but I'm working the best I can.

Kazato: We'll even though it's only a little, at least you're doing good.

Itsuki: Also...

Kazato: Huh?

Itsuki's gaze fixated on Kazato's leg, where she noticed the wound from their previous study session. Worry and concern etched across her face as she recalled the events from that study session.

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