Chapter 6: Sleepover Studying!

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It was a bright morning as Kazato rose from his bed, stretching his limbs and preparing for the day ahead. He followed his usual routine, taking a refreshing shower, brushing his teeth diligently, and engaging in a series of exercises such as push-ups and sit-ups to keep himself fit. Nourishing his body with a glass of juice, he also made sure to prepare breakfast for his younger brother and Aunt before setting off for school.

During his walk, Kazato glanced down at his shirt, his eyes drawn to the bandage that concealed the wound from his intense encounter with Fujita during the fireworks festival.

Kazato: It seems I was able to emerge victorious from that fight. If my strength had faltered even slightly, I would have surely sustained more injuries. This calls for even more rigorous training. Firstly, I should focus on strengthening my upper body, followed by honing my lower body. Secondly, I believe I require some training equipment. I could inquire with my aunt about ordering weights and other necessary items. Lastly, I must prioritize strength training, and subsequently work on my speed, agility, durability, reflexes, stamina, and endurance.

But something was also on Kazato's mind that Fujita told him as he flashbacks to that event. 


Fujita: I didn't expect to run into you, looks like my boss will have your body to him dead or alive. 

*End of Flashback*

Kazato: But who exactly was his boss and what exactly is their motive besides wanting me dead or alive?

Kazato shrugs the idea off for now as he continues his walk to school but not before noticing a familiar girl drinking a coffee while leaning on a metal bar. He already knows that it was Ichika as he simply continued to walk forward just as she noticed him.

Ichika: Hey, morning. Ichika said as she waved at Kazato only for him to walk past her continuing his walk to school as he responds.

Kazato Hey, Ichika.

Ichika: Why are you in such a hurry, don't you have anything to say about my winter uniform?

Kazato: You look fantastic. So, what do you need from me exactly? He asked as Ichika walked beside him.

Ichika: Well, I thought that the two of us could walk to school together.

Kazato: I'd rather suggest you shouldn't. (Besides, all the other students still think that I'm some bully and sexual deviant and I don't want to hear that from any of them.)

Ichika: By the way, I told the girls about work yesterday. They were so surprised.

Kazato: Well, that's nice to hear.

Ichika: Still... It's a load off my shoulders.

They continued walking together, their conversation filled with unspoken tension and unanswered questions.

Time Skip

Kazato found himself sitting in class alongside both Fuutarou and Itsuki, their teacher explaining the upcoming midterms scheduled for the following week. The teacher emphasized that any student scoring below thirty would be considered a failing grade. As the teacher's voice faded into the background, Kazato's gaze drifted out the window, lost in his own thoughts.

Kazato: (First, there's the responsibility of being a bodyguard, then dealing with Fujita, and now I have to uncover the identity of this elusive boss. Perhaps this could lead me to the truth behind who's framing me. And when I do find them, they will pay dearly.)

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