Chapter 4: A Day off to the fireworks Festival!

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Kazato sat at the breakfast table with his younger brother and Aunt, savoring their meal in pleasant company. However, the peaceful atmosphere abruptly shifted when Kazato's aunt directed her attention towards him, breaking the silence.

Teruya: So Kazato, how's the whole bodyguard job going for you?

Kazato: Well, I could say it's going well. (Except it's not since Fuutarou and I are dealing with 5 gorgeous idiots.)

Teruya: I also heard that Fuutarou's working that job along with you as a tutor. Well at least it's an easy job if it's only one person.

Kazato: That's because it's not one person... it's five people. And they're all girls. 

Hearing this coming from Kazato nearly made his aunt choke on her hot coco as she gives him shock and puzzled face.

Teruya: I'm sorry but... did you just say... you are protecting girls and five of them?

Kazato: Yep. Not only that but the five of them are sisters, quintuplet sisters to be exact *Drinks hot coco*.

Teruya: Oh dear, and nothing bad or unusual happen while you were guarding those young girls, right?

Kazato: Nope. (For your information, only one of them has done something bad to me and Fuutarou.)

Teruya: All right, thank goodness. 

Zenjiro: So, hey big brother, I was wondering if you take me to see the fireworks tonight since it's your day off?

Kazato: I don't know, I've got some studying to do and stuff.

Teruya: Oh, just go on and do it. It won't hurt to relax your brain once in a while so just go with the flow.

Kazato: All right. 

Kazato: I'll get it. 

Kazato walked to the door as the person outside rang it again. Opening it, he was surprised to see Itsuki Nakano, a familiar face with beautiful long red hair and a star accessory. Startled, he briefly closed the door, wondering how she found his address and why she was there. Upon reopening the door, he saw that Itsuki looked upset by his action.

Itsuki: That was rude Igarashi-Kun! 

Kazato: I am so sorry Itsuki. I didn't mean to slam the door on you. But how did you find out where I lived and what exactly brings you here.

Itsuki: Ok first off... I wasn't stalking you to find out where you lived since, I was informed from my father of where you lived.  And second... I came to bring you something, may I come in?

Kazato: Uh sure thing.

Kazato ushered Itsuki inside his home, surprising both his aunt and younger brothers who hadn't anticipated any visitors. Itsuki bows to Kazato's Aunt.

Itsuki: It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am. My name is Itsuki Nakano. 

Teruya: Uh, it's a pleasure to meet you too and- Wait, did you say your name was Nakano? You're Maruo's daughter?!

Itsuki: Oh, did you know my father?

Teruya: Well technically, my sister and I along with Isanari knew him back in the old days.

Itsuki: I see.

Teruya: So, what brings you here?

Itsuki: Oh, that's right.

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