Chapter 8: The picture that started it all! Kazato vs Kokushi!

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Kazato trailed behind Kokushi through a secluded forest, far from prying eyes. The burning desire for revenge consumed Kazato, fueling his determination. As they ventured deeper into the wilderness, a surge of emotions coursed through Kazato's veins, transforming his initial fear into a seething mix of anger and rage. Finally reaching a clearing within the forest, Kokushi turned to face Kazato.

Kokushi: "So, what do you think of this spot? A perfect place for your demise, don't you think?" he taunted, while Kazato's gaze remained fixed upon him, a grave expression etched upon his face, struggling to contain his overwhelming fury.

Kazato's lips curled into a sinister smirk.

Kazato: Actually, this will be the perfect spot for someone like you to meet their end. 

 he retorted; his voice laced with a menacing confidence.

Kazato: "But before I deliver the final blow, I have a question for you." If you were present at the school, I can only assume that the others are enrolled there as well."

A devious smile played across Kokushi's face as he replied...

Kokushi: "Yes, you're correct. Sadly, you won't have the chance to meet them since you're going to die here. *Sigh* I am so relieved to have finally see you again Igarashi. Just remembering the good old times back when we were kids when we all used to pummel you and even embarrass you. 

Kazato: That was back then... This is me now.

 Kazato prepared himself in a fighting stance, Kokushi charged forward with his arms spread wide. Kazato swiftly reacted, using his expertise in Karate to block each of Kokushi's four punches with precise movements. However, Kokushi managed to grab Kazato by the shirt, attempting to execute a Judo flip.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Kazato skillfully broke free from Kokushi's grip, evading the judo flip. Seizing the opportunity, Kazato unleashed a powerful knee strike to Kokushi's face, momentarily staggering him. Kazato wasted no time and swiftly followed up with a relentless series of blows to Kokushi's face and body.

Each strike landed with impactful precision, driving Kokushi backward. Kazato's combination of speed, power, and accuracy overwhelmed Kokushi, causing him to lose his balance. Eventually, Kazato delivered a powerful strike knocking him to the ground. 

Kokushi slowly recovers looking at Kazato in surprise.

Kokushi: H-How did you get so strong? 

Kazato: Oh, you know, just had to pump in some training, both physically and mentally. So yeah, Not the weak little guy that you used to pick on back then huh?

Kokushi: Why you! He angrily gets and throws a punch only for Kazato to dodge yet again and that's not only that Kokushi lets out a relentless barrage of punches to which Kazato was able to predict easily as he taunts Kokushi.

Kazato: What's wrong Kokushi, I thought that you were so confident and excited to kill me. Where did all of that bravado go?

Kokushi: Shut up! There's no way in hell that I'll let you beat me. You fucking piece of-

However, before Kokushi could finish his sentence, Kazato delivers a punch to his stomach and hits Kokushi with a left hook as Kokushi falls on his face into the ground.

Kazato: I expected you to be a tougher opponent. It's a pity, I wanted our battle to last longer than this. Fine, I'll just have to end this. 

As Kazato confidently approached the downed Kokushi, he was caught off guard by Kokushi's sudden recovery. In a desperate attempt to turn the tables, Kokushi brandished a menacing butcher knife, aiming to slash at Kazato. Kazato narrowly dodged the incoming knife attack, evading the deadly blade by a hair's breadth.

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