Chapter 12: Legend of Fate Finale!

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Kazato and Yotsuba discreetly returned to the camp, careful not to raise any suspicion among their peers.

Yotsuba: Well, now that I've found you, I'm going to go look for Uesugi-san.

Kazato: Alright, I'll see you later. And Yotsuba, remember what we discussed. It's crucial that you don't reveal anything to your sisters or our classmates, understand?

Yotsuba: Yes, your secret is safe with me.

Kazato: I'm serious, Yotsuba. He gave her a stern expression, conveying the importance of their agreement.

Yotsuba: Yes, I promise not to tell anyone. She quickly replied, her voice tinged with a hint of fear.

Kazato: Good, now go on. Don't let the others realize that you're missing. He said before walking away, attending to his own matters.

Kazato was walking on his own for a while as he started to think to himself.

Kazato: (With Kokushi, Uzaba, and Miyabu dead. That just only leaves four left. And soon they'll be as twice the threat than those other three.) He thought as he continued walking until he bumped into someone.

???: Ow, hey watch where you're going. 

Kazato: Huh?

Kazato looks down at the person on the and quickly identify her to be Nino.

Kazato: Well, it looks like princess butterfly has graced me with her utmost Prescence.

Nino: Ugh, shut up. You're the last person I'd ever want to encounter.

Kazato: Yeah sure, whatever. He said with annoyance as he walks away but before he could leave Nino grabbed his arm. 

Nino: Hey. 

Kazato: What is it now? 

Nino: Where did you get those wounds? She said taking notice of Kazato's injuries through his winter jacket where he was bleeding. 

Kazato: I... got attacked by a wild animal.

Nino: Liar.

Kazato: I fell down from a big tree. 

Nino: How can a fall like that cause injuries like these. And besides, wouldn't you break a bone or two?

He hesitated for a moment, searching for an explanation.

Kazato:  I guess... I was lucky. The branches broke my fall, but not without leaving a mark.

She narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

Nino: I'm not buying it. Something doesn't add up.

Kazato: Look, it's none of your business, okay? Just leave it be. Weren't you the one among your sisters who despised me the most? Yet, unexpectedly, you showed concern for my well-being.

Nino: Hmph, don't get the wrong idea. Just because I despised you in the past doesn't mean I don't have a shred of humanity. I may not like you, but that doesn't mean I want to see you seriously hurt. It's not like I care about your well-being or anything. It's just... common courtesy. So, don't get any weird ideas, got it?

Kazato: You're a strange woman. I believe it is you who shouldn't get any strange ideas seeing as though that you've quite staring at me. 

She crosses her arms and looks away, trying to hide a faint blush on her cheeks.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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