Chapter 11: Legend of Fate 3! Kazato vs Miyabu and Uzaba!

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Kazato and Ichika find themselves trapped within the confines of the storage room.

Ichika: This is terrible.

Kazato: "Yep. Well, I guess the only thing left to do is break out of here," said Kazato as he positioned himself, ready to knock the door down, but Ichika halted him.

Ichika: "Hold on, Kazato. Look isn't that a burglar sensor? It might bring the security guards here if we break down the door" she said, pointing at the wall above the right side of the door, revealing the mentioned sensor.

Kazato: Excellent, which is why I'm going to break down this door. 

Ichika: Wait, no! Don't! You'll ruin the school camp. 

Kazato: Who cares. Now step aside. 

Before Kazato was going to knock down the door Ichika stopped him by grabbing on to his arm with teary eyes.

Ichika: Please Kazato- Kun. I don't want the two of us to get into trouble. 

While looking at Ichika with tears streaming down her face again, Kazato is shocked by another realization. He recalls an incident from his childhood where he had bravely defended himself against a group of bullies. There also was a familiar girl who stepped in to stop him from causing further harm to those boys.

Kazato then sighs. 

Kazato: Fine, let's see if we can disarm it. I'll give you a boost.

Ichika: If only I were two meters tall. 

Kazato: What on earth are you talking about? Just hurry up and get on my back, ok? He spoke in a gentle tone, causing Ichika to blush slightly while her heart raced wildly.

Kazato: What on earth are you talking about? Just hurry up and get on my back, ok? He spoke in a gentle tone, causing Ichika to blush slightly while her heart raced wildly

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Ichika: (Stay calm. I can't trip this sensor in my heart, either.) She thought to herself as she then composes herself as she gets on Kazato's shoulders. 

Kazato: Are you ready?

Ichika: Yeah, and you better not say I'm heavy. 

Kazato: You're not. You're pretty light actually. Maybe it's because of my training at the gym. Oh well, let's do this! 

Just as Kazato got up holding Ichika on his shoulders he was sandwiched by her thighs. 

Kazato: Huh?

Ichika: What's wrong? 

Kazato: This feeling it's... It feels warm and relaxing. Feels like Deja vu.

Ichika then blushes.

Ichika then blushes

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