Chapter 9: School Trip! Legend of Fate day 1!

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Kazato was at the school gym doing some push-ups and sit-ups as well as meditation to get his mind off things. As he was contemplating about the time when he fought Kokushi and took his life and discarding the body. 

Kazato: (With Kokushi gone. I wonder who'll be next one of those guys to come after me. Well, it doesn't matter. I've done already committed murder by self-defense and besides from what Kokushi said before he died. That he and the others did some pretty horrible things to other people and stuff.  So, I guess that means that I can't let them live either. It's settled... Death to those guys that messed with me.)

With a deep breath, Kazato acknowledged the weight of his decision. The path he had chosen would be fraught with danger and moral complexities, but he believed it was necessary to prevent further harm and ensure his own safety.

As his meditation came to an end, Kazato rose from his position, his mind set on the path he had chosen. Determined and resolute, he prepared himself for the battles that lay ahead, knowing that he would face unimaginable challenges.

Kazato: Let's hope that the next battle will be more interesting. 

Time Skip

It was now after school as Kazato was walking through the school as he was listening to music as he looks down the hallway while about to pass a classroom, but something caught his eye. He spots Ichika in a classroom with some guy as Kazato decided to hide himself behind the door and listen in on their conversation. 

However, as Kazato was eavesdropping Fuutarou suddenly appeared there also spying on the girl.

Kazato: Wow, didn't expect that guy to have such an interest in Ichika.

Fuutarou: Actually, that's Miku disguised as Ichika. He said surprising Kazato.

Kazato: Say what now? 

???: Thanks for coming Nakano-San. 

Ichika: Um... Maeda- Kun, was it? Where are the others?

Maeda: Sorry, I lied to get you to come here. 

Ichika (Miku): Huh?

Maeda: P-Please dance with me at the campfire. 

Kazato: (I wonder how she'll respond to it.)

Ichika (Miku): With me? Why?

Maeda: W-Well you know... Because I like you.

Maeda said as Ichika (Miku) started blushing.

Kazato: (Well smooth move dude. You actually might get the chance to have a good dance at the campfire. I mean they're Quintuplets and that makes them all identically cute either way no matter how much you look at them.)

Ichika (Miku): Thanks. I'll let you know later. She was about to leave as Maeda spoke.

Maeda: I want an answer now.

Outside Kazato and Fuutarou had their backs against the wall with both of their arms folded.

Fuutarou: Tell a cheap lie, and you get hurt. Well, you reap what you sow. 

Kazato: Verily. Come on let's go. 

Both Kazato and Fuutarou were about to leave until Maeda speaks which made them stop in their tracks. 

Maeda: You have a different vibe today, Nakano-San. Is it your hair? Weird... He said as he takes a closer look at Ichika (Miku). 

Ichika (Miku): Um...

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