Chapter 10: Legend of Fate Day 2! Test of Courage!

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All of the classes were assigned to make their own curry as Kazato was with Fuutarou looking after the rice. 

Kazato: Now here we are looking after the rice *Sigh*. 

Fuutarou: We can't even cook?

Kazato: I've learned to cook on my own. Also, this is boring. 

Suddenly Maeda appears beside Kazato.

Maeda: Hey...

Kazato: Hm? Oh, it's you. Maeda, was it?

Maeda: Yeah, I wanted to ask you something.

Kazato: What is it?

Maeda: You and Nakano-san doing good right?

Kazato: Yeah...

Maeda: Man... you're so lucky to have a partner for the folk dance... Unlike me, I couldn't find anybody. 

Kazato: Wow, I feel so sorry for you. 

Maeda: Do you have any tips on how to get a girlfriend? 

Kazato: Nope. Not of the sort. 

Maeda: Huh?! Then how is it you got Nakano san to dance with you?

Kazato: I don't know. Maybe it's because she's just that interested in me, I suppose. 

Maeda: Are you sure that it's not because she has feelings for you?

Kazato: I don't know about that. 

In Kazato's mind, he considered his experiences with the sisters to be quite memorable, at least for the four of them, Nino being the exception. The real question lingered, however... did any of them harbor feelings for him? This thought occupied Kazato's mind, causing him to space out while Maeda was speaking to him.

Maeda: Hey don't ignore me. 

Kazato: Huh? Oh, sorry about that. So, you said you wanted to get a girlfriend is that correct?

Maeda: Uh... yeah. 

Kazato: Well, I believe that the test of courage is the perfect example of helping you get a girlfriend. 

Maeda: You really think so?

Kazato: Yes, if there's one of the things that women love are strong and courageous men. Well not all women but you get the idea. It's pretty cliche but I'm sure it'll help you. 

Maeda: Hmm... Yeah, you're right.  That's not a bad idea. You know Igarashi everyone else may have problems with you but you're more of a cool guy in my book. Thanks. 

Maeda then walks away hoping to find a partner the test of courage as Kazato pondered about what Maeda just said. 

Kazato: Hm... strange. This is the first time that someone actually sees me as a good person and not something else. Feels weird but... kind of comforting. 

Time Skip

The test of courage had already begun as Fuutarou and Yotsuba managed to scare off Maeda who was partners with a girl. Luckily Kazato was in bush at the side waiting for someone to come as Fuutarou and Yotsuba were unaware that he was there dressed up as well. Kazato then listened to Yotsuba and Fuutarou chat. 

Yotsuba: We are crushing it. This is so awesome. Who knew dressing up like a psycho clown would put some life in those cold dead eyes. She said complimenting Fuutarou's clown costume. 

Fuutarou: Indeed, I am pleased to enjoy the living. He said trying to sound scary.

Yotsuba: Well, it's good that you're here, I was kind of afraid that you wouldn't come. Let's make sure we don't leave camp without any regrets. 

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