Chapter 5: Five fifths! Fight to see the Fireworks!

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Ichika's statement left Kazato feeling perplexed.

Kazato: What do you mean you won't be going to watch the fireworks with your sisters?

Ichika: I just got called in for urgent work... So, I can't watch the fireworks with you all. Besides, we all look the same it won't matter if one of us isn't there.

Kazato: No, I don't even see you all the same. Just because the five of you are identical the same doesn't go with your personality.

Ichika: It's fine. Sorry, but I've got someone waiting for me.

Just as Ichika was preparing to depart, Kazato suddenly took hold of her hand.

Kazato: Wait. Where exactly do you work? What kind of job is it that's so important.

Ichika: Why?

Kazato: Huh?

Ichika: Why are you going out of your way for us?

Kazato: Because I realized just how much this festival meant to the five of you. You spend it all with your mom every year growing up. But this time it won't be the same if you were to suddenly be absent when your sisters need you most.

Ichika: Do you care so much about us because you're our bodyguard?

Kazato: No.

Ichika: Then why?

Kazato: I'm doing this... because I'm your friend.

Ichika: I see. Well see you later then.

Kazato: Hold on a second.

Kazato was about to go after only for Ichika to turn around and went to him.

Kazato: Huh, what's the matter?

Ichika: My co-worker is here, and I snuck away without telling them. I'm in so much trouble!

The two peeked out and noticed Ichika's coworker searching around for her as he looked back and saw them as they went back in the alley.

Ichika: Oh no, he's coming this way!

Ichika started to panic as Kazato thought of an idea as he grabs Ichika and hugged her against the wall.

Ichika: K-Kazato-san! Wh-What are you-

Kazato: Don't move. And relax.

Ichika noticed Kazato's plan as she hugs him close to her that way her coworker wouldn't be able to catch a glimpse of her face. However unaware to Kazato, Ichika was blushing as her heartbeat was getting faster due to the position, they were in.

Luckily, her coworker didn't notice her and decides to sit down.

Kazato: Motherfu-

Ichika: Um Kazato-kun how long are we going to stay like this?

Kazato: As long as until he leaves but I don't see that happening since he sat down. So, looks like we're going to be here for a while.

Ichika: I wonder if we look like we're in a relationship.

Kazato: That's because this is Japan... not the west. Only couples would do such a thing, not friends.

Ichika: I feel like I'm doing something bad.

Kazato: Ichika, you...

Ichika: Huh?

Kazato could only stare at Ichika as she stares right back at him her face blushing red wondering what could Kazato be thinking on his mind right now.

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