Chapter 7

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"Mommy I miss Michael." Micah crawled up under Liliana on the couch. He rested his head on her arm.

She put her arm around him. "I know honey. Me too."

"Then why can't we just go to Neverland and see him?"

"Well because he's busy. He's going all the way to Australia tomorrow."

"But he promised me I can have my party in Neverland."

"I know. But he has to leave so we can't."

Micah ran off the couch in disappointment. He went to his room and shut the door.

Liliana felt bad for lying to him but she really didn't want Michael in their lives.

About an hour later, she heard a knock on her door. She went to answer it and was surprised to see Ryan and his fiancé Cynthia.

They had a big box with them.

"Is this Mikey's gift?"

"Nope." Ryan walked in and Cynthia smiled and followed.

"We need to talk honey," Cynthia said.

"What's up?" Liliana looked them up and down as they placed the box on her coffee table.

"I just got a very angry call from my Godson and it honestly pissed me off and put you on my shitlist," Ryan scowled at Liliana.

Liliana laughed. "What? What did he say?"

Liliana told Ryan all about what happened with Michael. He bit his tongue for awhile because he thought she would come to her senses, just like Michael thought, but it was obvious she wasn't.

"Why in the hell would you cancel his party?" Ryan kept his angry tone down to a whisper. He didn't want Micah to hear.

"I told you I don't want Michael in our lives."

"You're tearing that little boy away from his father. You can't do that," he said pointing in her face.

"Look okay." Liliana was getting frustrated. "I don't know much about Mr. 'Michael Jackson' just that he lied to me a long time ago about who he was then left me when I was pregnant."

"Wait, no." Cynthia chimed in. "Ryan told me the whole story. Personally, I'm a huge MJ fan and I know how he is. He probably lied to you because he was afraid you would judge him for who he really was and he was just scared of getting hurt because obviously he really did have strong feelings for you."

"The man even told you after he confessed that he still did love you. And you do this to him?"

"It doesn't matter. He obviously doesn't really care about Mikey because it's been a week and I still haven't heard one word from him."

"Besides the roses he sent you the day after," Ryan said pointing to them as they were sitting on her kitchen table.

"Oh my God. He sent you roses?" Cynthia walked over to it. She pulled out a card and read it.

'I'm sorry again for everything. I just ask you please not take me away from my son. I hope you come around soon.

Love MJ'

"If Michael Jackson ever sent anything like this to me, I would die."

"You guys don't understand. I don't know much about him except he has the biggest selling album ever and he's a singer who dances really good and my son is obsessed with him. Oh and that he's a liar. It cracks me up how you people and everyone else thinks he has a heart of gold when he's done this to me."

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