7. Who? Why? And...What?

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This is the difference between traumatic memory and ordinary memory. Traumatic memory stays vivid.


Third Person POV :

Jungkook's ringtone was finally able to reach his ears when it rang for the third time in the morning. He patted on the mattress beside him to find it and turn it off so he can go back to sleep without this stupid noisy phone disturbing his precious morning sleep. His eyebrows furrowed in disappointment when his hands couldn't find the source but soon relaxed when the phone went silent again. He smiled contentedly at the peaceful silence and hugged his soft plushie in his arms that he usually cuddles to while sleeping.

'Wait! When did I buy such a huge one?' He hugged it more tightly.

He ran his hands through it while squeezing it in between when he felt the touch is different too.

'Why is it so heavy? Why is it so warm? Wait…I don't remember buying one with such long fur.' He thought when his hands felt something like fur under them and tried to grab and pull it.

Then he heard a small whimper from the plushie which sounded more like a human. 'Why is a toy making sou-' He eyes shot open when the realization hit him.

He jumped back when he saw the cutest being on the earth hugging him like a cuddly bear in the cutest way possible who was trying to nuzzle more into him.

"Oh.... holy Shit!" he cursed under his breath and tried to pull away from him. But the other didn't let him go but held him more tightly with a pout. He didn't realise when he fell asleep last night trying to comfort the scared boy.

"GOD! He is burning up!" He placed one palm on the other's forehead and another one on his own to check his temperature. He took one of the pillows to replace himself with it in the boy's hands and got off the bed in a hurry.

He called Hoseok and asked him to come to check up on Taehyung, not bothering about the three missed calls from Seokjin. He called back Seokjin after he hung up the call with Hoseok to know the reason behind the missed calls early in the morning.

"Hyung, what happened?"

"I am driving.....uh actually on my way to your house. We will talk directly." That's all Seokjin, who decided to drop off at Jungkook's before going to work when his call was ignored for the third time, said and dropped the call.

He brought a cold towel and placed it on the brunette's forehead. He walked out of the room when the main door opened expecting to see one of the two males he was waiting for. He raised an eyebrow when he saw a certain blonde who disappeared for the past few days and finally decided to bless Jungkook with his glimpse.

"I thought you were already dead. I was even thinking of arranging your funeral if you didn't show up today. After all, you are my friend and it is my response to make sure you go peacefully. Don't you think so, Shorty?" He mocked the other.

"Shut up!" The other rolled his eyes before sending him a death glare. "I was not feeling well. How is Taehyung?" He asked.

"Uhmm...he is having a fever. I just called Hoseok hyung" Jungkook replied.

"WHAT?? I told you to take good care of him, didn't I?...I know you don't want to let anyone within your space. But stil how you...Leave it. I will take him to my house." Jimin sent him a glare again, but this time a serious one.

"Calm down, hyung….why are you so worked up? What's wrong with you? He was completely fine till yesterday...Hoseok hyung is coming to check him up. He will be fine. It's not even that serious, okay?" Jungkook explained even though he didn't get why his friend is so railed up.

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