Chapter 13- Edinburgh

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When we got to Edinburgh, I was distracted by some girls running towards a group of guys. I expected them to be famous so I ignored them. "*yawn I feel like I could howl like a wolf right now, I don't know why." Alex said sleepily. Then some girl came up to us and screamed "HOWELL WHERE!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" in an extremely high pitched tone! That's why I only follow low key bands, gee.
When we got to the taxi station, a driver said, "IM OPEN!!" To us and we hoped in. "Yeah 20034 Arbour Street please" I said. "Oh I know where we're going.." The driver turned around and I saw an all too familiar face.........
"So whos this bloke! Wow, you've really lowered tour standards Bel!" "DONT CALL ME BEL YOU PRICK!" I screamed. He simply laughed. Alex clenched my hand. Somehow he had gotten the gun through security, and he almost pulled it out whenI stopped him. "No wait Alex" I whispered. "Fine" he said in a protective voice.
After the worst ride of taunting, Will got us to the house. Just as I remembered it, too big to hold a family of three. We walked in willingly, and I heard a scream from my old bedroom. "I know that scream!" I ran up to my old room only to find my mother, evil looking as ever, looking at me. "DONT HURT THEM!! PLEASE I LOVE THESE PEOPLE!!" I practically begged. Alex stared her down with the most evil glare ever. "Let our friends go!" He screamed. "Ah I knew this delightful day would come dome day! Aren't you glad to be home sweetheart!" My mother said in her exaggerated Californian accent. Alex looked at my as if to say "Your mum's american?" I nodded. "Honey, this is your last chance. Look at this beautiful house! You wouldn't have to work a day in your life! All you half to do is let these street rats go back to their cave in London and you can live the life of a queen!" At that moment I told her, in the most defensive way ever, "IF YOU WANT TO CALL MY FRIENDS STREET RATS, NEARLY KILL US, FORCE ME TO MARRY AN EVIL DUMB ARSE, AND PROMISE ME A LIFE OF MONEY, YOU CAN GIVEIT ALL TO YOUR FRIENDS, THE COLDENS!!!! LEAVE ME ALONE OR I WILL HAVE YOUR PROPERTY TAKEN FROM YOU AND THIS ENTIRE FAMILY ARRESTED!" At that moment, my mother was shocked. Mia, Matt, Emily, and Nick all cheered and we untied them. (How original, tie them to my old bed to make me fall back in love with this house.) After we untied them, we made our way downstairs to see Will looking at us shocked, and just for the kick, I said, "Oh and Alex.." Before planting a huge kiss on his lips. "FINE! Go live in a crappy area of wherever in London! There are plenty of other girls with way more money I can still marry! I might even consider marrying you when you come crying to my doorstep when you're broke!" He said. "Well for now, I guess you'll have to suck it and see!" Alex said with a smirk.

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