Chapter 1- In a Rush

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"Shite!" I screamed as my favourite shirt ripped through the middle. "What are you going on about this time!" Mia screamed from her room. "My bloody Kooks shirt just ripped!!" I screamed. Ugh, I thought.
I rushed to pack a bag with my books and notes as well as my main suitcase. Emily,Mia,and I were going to Wales to assist on a dig site. Even though we weren't archaeologists, we all knew a lot about the history of the British Empire (We're historians, we have a right to boast).
"Hey,do you have the tickets?" Emily asked. "No I thought you had them!" I said, in a panicked voice. "I have them, guys." Mia said, trying to calm us down.
After another thirty minutes, we managed to make it out of our flat and rush to a cab. I had all of my bags in my hand and I was talking to the head archaeologist on the dig, we some guy bumped into me. "Oi, watch were youre going next time, mate!!" I screamed at the guy, not even looking up for a second. "Sorry, we're kind of in a hurry."He said." I'll call back, Mark (our boss)." I said into my phone before hanging up. Then I said to the guy, "I'm sorry I was rude. I'm in a bit of a hurry to get to the airport, sorry" "Oh, me too. My band is going on tour today." Well, good luck!" i said as I left with Mia and Emily.
"Who was that?" Asked Em. "Oh he's our neighbour. He bumped into me on my way out." I said. "Interesting. What was his name?" Mia asked. "I have no clue, I didnt catch it." Bummer!" Mia said. We chatted on the way to the airport about our neighbour, the band guy.
Ahh, I thought as I sat down on the plane. Finally, I'm getting my life back together. I'm going to Wales for research and I might get a job recommendation after this if I'm helpful. After I left my parents when I was 18, I got really depressed. I got into a decent university and started to study, but nothing made my life better. Then, I moved into a flat in London with my mates Mia and Emily, and life got a little better. Now I could get a real job and start living again.
I immediately took out some of my notes from I'd taken about where we're going. Okay,so some druid artefacts were found in a town in Wales. Great. That's all I knew and all I needed to know. I put the notes away and started to play 'Bullet' by Franz Fernidad and stared out the window. Then, someone tapped my shoulder and I jumped, then turned around. It was our neighbour, the band guy.

Okay, so this is my first story, so feel free to comment suggestions and constructive criticism!!

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