Episode 3: Democracy Under the Dead

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Previously ....

Newswoman: Emergency News Coverage The number of deaths in the Saitama prefecture already exceeds 10,000. The prefectural governor has declared a state of emergency--

A gun fire goes off in the background spooking the newswoman.

A gun fire goes off in the background spooking the newswoman

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Newswoman: That was gunfire!

The cameramen point the camera at the officers and what their shooting at.

Newswoman: Just now, the police opened gunfire! But what are they shooting at?!

Out of nowhere an undead start coming after newswoman causing the cameraman to drop the camera to the floor as everyone can hear the newswoman scream.

Newswoman: No! Stay away! Help!

Until the broadcast cuts off to static as everyone in the room look on in terror and shock on what they just witness.

Y/n: Oh no.


The screen turns to "Emergency News Coverage Please Stand By." until returning to the main news station.

Broadcast lady: There's been some sort of problem. F-From now on, we'll be broadcasting from the studio here. As you can tell, the situation outside has become grave. We advise you please stay in your home unless necessary. Once it's safer outside, we'll bring you information about the on-going situation.

Takashi slam his fist in agitation.

Takashi: That's all? Why aren't they saying more?

Saeko: Because they're afraid of causing panic.

Takashi: A panic.

Rei: Even now?

Saya: Is because of what happened just now! Idiot!

Y/n: Calm down Saya there no point in yelling.

Saya: Sorry, Y/n.

Y/n: Rei, you must understand whatever happening out there in the city is getting out of control for the government to even understand on how to handle it properly. The last thing they need is the whole country going in a full on riot becoming fear leads to chaos; chaos leads to anarchy. How would you expect the government to deal with the living dead in a time of anarchy?

Saya: Thank you is nice that you understand the situation we're in, Y/n.

The news station continue talking about the outbreak.

Broadcast lady: This unusual phenomenon has spread throughout America and has yet to be brought under control. The government authorities have evacuated the White House and will relocate to a command center on-board an aircraft carrier. There are reports that this transfer is in preparation for the possible use of tactical warheads. We have currently lost contact with Moscow. Beijing has been set ablaze. London has maintained order, but in Paris and Rome, there are reports of looting. Government officials have declared m-m-martial l-law-

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