Episode 5: Streets of the Dead

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At an unknown airport near Japan, we see a plane still grounded as one of the two pilots come back after checking the passengers.

Pilot 1: I'm done checking the passengers. None of them seem to be showing any of the symptoms. Nor do any of them have a fever or any injuries. Nor are they already dead.

Pilot 2: Your family lives in Tokyo?

They start preparing to take off but however, ....

Pilot 1: No one answered the phone. Tokonosu Tower, JX089. Ready for takeoff. JX089, Tokonosu Tower. Hold on runway 3-4. We have a problem.

They notice the runway is block by a horde of undead

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They notice the runway is block by a horde of undead.


We see someone scoping out the area of the airport as stop at an undead that's wearing glasses with a weird smile on its face.

Rika: He looks repulsive.

The sniper gets into position.

Tajima: He's an actor. He was on location here for filming. Distance: 4500.Angle: -6. Wind: Favorable. Permission to fire: Granted.

The sniper takes the shot getting a direct headshot followed by a couple more headshots until the whole runway was cleared of undead.

Tajima: Good work. All of the targets on the runway have been eliminated. Over and out. What're you doing?

Rika got up as she start removing her vest.

Rika: These things are numb. I've been laying down here since this morning.

Tajima: If you don't mind, I could massage them.

Rika: I would if you were a better shot than me.

Tajima: But you're one of the top five officers in our whole country. That's no fair.

Rika: You'd better give up then.

Tajima: Anyway, how did those things even get here? We're at a seaside airport that can only be reached by ship. Haven't they been restricting entry?

Rika: Yeah. Only high-ranking officials and airport technicians as well as their families are allowed in. One of them must've been infected. The situation is under control right now, but who knows how long that'll last?

Tajima: What do you think would've happened to this place if we hadn't been assigned here due to terrorist threats? Well, I don't have infinite ammo.

Rika: You're gonna run away?

Tajima: Not planning on it. Well, not yet.

 Well, not yet

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