𝟏 ⋆ ★ 𝑊𝑒𝑙𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝐻𝑒-𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐶𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑢𝑠!

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THE first thing that happens to you is that you find yourself slamming straight into the back of an oddly jumbled mess of a character. There was no warning, no indication of any sort of transportation—out the blue you were suddenly in a new world, and you'd already murdered someone.

"Oh god—I'm so sor—!" Spills out of your mouth but you abruptly stop when you realize that you'd literally caused this certain character to collapse into literal pieces on the floor. The vibrant music that was blaring throughout the new environment came to a miserable stop and the other figures that were present all paused what they were doing to turn and glare what had suddenly caused the disruption.

Now on the ground a few feet from where you stood, a triangle shaped head with eyes of disdain glared at you and you flinched as this singular piece started shouting, "Seriously?! Caine!? Another one!?"

A sudden whizz whisks past your face and you see another strange character; what looked to be a literal set of teeth with huge round eyes between the teeth and a body wearing a ringmaster's getup along with a cane in its hand appeared to be floating before you. Despite it's "head" literally only being a row of teeth and some eyes, it managed to be very expressive. "Oh! Well would you look at that! Only three days since Pomni arrived and we already have a new visitor!"

You narrowed your eyes as you look around, noticing that these strange characters were all starting to approach you with mostly curious and disappointed looks on their faces. You saw a nervous looking, short jester character wearing a red and blue themed jester attire with big round eyes that seemed to watch you with pity. There was a tall, lanky purple bunny with pink overalls and big golden yellow gloves that matched the shade of its wide display of teeth and shady looking eyes. Next to the bunny was a shamble of red ribbons that seemed to form a frail body, and at where the head would be was instead a mask that displayed a teary saddened face while in the hands of the ribbon character was a different mask that was snapped in half.

The one standing ahead of the others looking at you with a saddened smile appeared to be a doll-like lady with red laced hair and a purple doll's dress. Behind her was another tall character wearing a king's robes and it had the figure of an actual chess piece with two round misaligned eyes. Lastly, the first character you had ran into and literally dismembered had somehow managed to put themself together again and fitted back on their triangular head while glaring at you with a pissed gaze.

You back away as you stare at each of them with growing dismay, having no understanding of where you were or why you were suddenly here. The sound of obnoxiously loud breathing became apparent from behind you and it caused you to nearly jump. You abruptly turn around to see a large bubble shaped creature with a wide array of sharp teeth and beady eyes.

"You smeelllllike bitc—I mean bleeeach," The bubble character chuckled creepily at you. Out of impulse, you immediately pound the bubble character with your fist and send it flying up into the heights of the assumed circus tent you were in.

★𝐴𝑚𝑎𝑧𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐷𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑠★ : [The Amazing Digital Circus X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now