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Pomni's p. o. v.

"Well, boy is it good to see everyone up so bright and early! Whooooooose ready for a fun-filled, wonderfully spectacular, thrilling day of fun at the Digital Circus!?"

Caine's exuberant greeting the next morning when me and the others entered the tent's main area caused me to flinch. "Wait—what's happening—are we not doing the opening acts today?" I asked, hoping with all my might that we didn't have to get up on that stage and do those stupid, embarrassing acts again (mostly speaking about myself...). "Of course we are! However...today things are going to be different!" Caine responded, flying up to me cheerily. "Bubble! Direct everyone onstage for rehearsal, would you?"

"Aye aye sir!" Bubble screeched, "come on, everyone! This wayyyyyyyy!!!"

Bubble zoomed away and I watched with slumped shoulders as Ragatha, Gangle, Kinger, and Zooble all followed behind Bubble. I noticed however that Y/N remained standing off at the side glaring Caine down for some reason. It was actually a bit worrisome how they were looking at him. Jax stood by Y/N looking a bit nervous about something—which was very odd because that guy never has a moment he displays anything but cockiness...

Jax suddenly harshly tugged Y/N's arm and beckoned them to follow him and the others, trying to get their attention off of Caine. Once Jax finally got Y/N to move, I watched them in confusion before turning to glance at Caine. Caine appeared a bit uncomfortable as he floated in the air, so he definitely caught Y/N's glare. "Uhhhhh...you saw that, right Pomni?" Caine murmured a bit loudly. "I....did...?" I responded back, "did you and Y/N fall out or...?"

"Not that I can recall!" Caine huffed, "maybe they're upset about the adventure we had yesterday? Who knows! At least I can guarantee that Y/N and everyone else will absolutely enjoy the new opening we have for today! Maybe that will cheer them up!"

As usual, Caine had no problems convincing himself everything was fine without actually tackling the problem. He's so blissfully ignorant of our emotions and problems that it kind of pisses me off sometimes. The kind of look Y/N gave Caine was definitely not triggered by a silly game we played. There's something more, and I'd like to find out.

I turned from Caine and quickly ran to get on to the stage


"Welcome everybody! Prepare yourselves for today's introductory performance!" Caine shouted as he floated before all of us gathered on stage. "Now, before we get started, I just personally wanted to make sure that ...heh...everyone here is on good terms with one another and there is not bad blood nor animosity towards anyone for any reason, right...?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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★𝐴𝑚𝑎𝑧𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐷𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑠★ : [The Amazing Digital Circus X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now