𝟐 ⋆ ★ The Digital Realm

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In less than a second, you and Caine were transported outside of the tent. While you were in the midst of panicking from the sudden speed of travel between the inside to the Caine enthusiastically announced, "Here we have The Tent! Your living quarters will be located here, as well as all sort of activities! These activities consist ooooof—!—"

You stared at Caine as for the next twenty seconds or so he remained there with his eyes blurred with text while making the sounds of an old computer starting up. "What the %$🎩!# ?" You mutter, your eye twitching in confusion.

"—Ballpits, mini-golf!" Caine finally returned to normal, completing the list of "activities".

"Okay great..." You utter out warily, "can we—?"

You didn't get a chance to finish as Caine grabbed you yet again and suddenly he transported with you further out into the world. "Here we have The Ground! You could Drown Yourself in the Digital Lake or participate in ridery at the Digital Carnival!"

"Did you just tell me to kill myself?" You blinked at the ringmaster creature with narrowed eyes. "Of course not! Hah, you couldn't even if you tried!"

"Dang," You slumped your shoulders. Caine glared at you in silence for an awkward two seconds before throwing his hands up, "ANYways, there's absolutely more than just these two places but The Void is nothing you really need to worry about besides the fact that ...none of us venture out into The Void. We don't need another...incident again, heh!"

"Wait, what incident?"

Caine once again completely disregarded your question and gave a whimsical flick of his hand, "Now, you can roam as much as you'd like here at The Grounds and The Tent. All places where I can keep my HUNDRED OF ALL SEEING EYES ON YOU."

You cringed a bit, feeling uncomfortable by the dozen of random eyeballs that had suddenly spawned around Caine. "Uhm...so is that all you have to show me or..."

The eyeballs disappeared and Caine gave you a blank look, "Well uh—yes. Why do you not sound impressed?"

Before you could respond, a voice from above caught your attention and you looked up to see a very cartoonish moon hovering up in the sky above your heads. "Caine, don't you love me? Whose this new face you're with!?" The moon purred.

"...What the actual %$🎩!# !?" You blurted out, a bit stunned that the moon could talk...and not only could it talk but it seemed a bit flirty...

Caine appeared highly uncomfortable, "This uhhhhh—this is...—"

"I'm Gay! Wait—" You inform Moon for Caine, but you'd forgot your name.

"—Doesn't matter—! Let's get out of here!" Caine suddenly screamed, starting to push you in direction of The Tent.

As you were being pushed forwards, you think you see what looks like a random door suddenly spawn on one of the hills near the Digital Carnival. An exit...?

"Hey Caine—" You begin, but before you could finish, Caine had transported the two of you back inside The Tent.

"Oh god. Why won't you give me a second to actually finish my sentences??" You groan once you'd regained yourself from all the dizzying traveling. "The less you talk the more fun you'll find yourself in! And the less annoying you'll be..." Caine added the last part more quietly but you caught it anyways and huffed at him.

The other Digital Circus members approached the two of you as you'd returned and your eyes fall to Pomni as she looked at you somewhat expectantly. For some reason, you felt the urge to tell her...

"You guys, I saw an exit out there, just before me and Caine zipped back here," You announced causing the others to look at each other in confusion—all but Pomni.

Pomni's eyes widened, "You did...? You—You saw it too...? B-But, it wasn't really—"

"Exits, exits, exits, you kids and all you exit talk! If I weren't such a fair, sympathetic guy I would've put at least four of you in a mental hospital by now!" Caine interrupted, popping up between you and Pomni. You resisted the urge to smack the goofy floating eyes-mouth as you knew you were stuck in this world and you didn't know how things worked so it would be best not to %$🎩!# up your first impression.

"Look Caine, the newbie hasn't even been here a quarter of a day and they're already mad, seeing exits and whatnot," Jax scoffed, "should we lock 'em in their room yet?"

"Why don't we lock you in your room?" Zooble growled. "Nah I think we should lock the newbie. What if they're actually mad, seeing exits and all?? They might ruin my bug collection??" Kinger, the chess piece started to become frantic.

You and Pomni shared a glance. You felt she clearly believed in you that you saw an exit, meaning that she did too. However, she looked a lot more sympathetic than surprised. Maybe once you got the chance, you could try and work with her to find it again?

"You know what? I think what we need is a brand new adventure to enlighten the mood around here and get our new friend comfortable!" Caine announced, "first however, I would like our Y/N to see their brand new living space!"

Caine then pointed his cane in Ragatha's direction. "Ragatha! Youuu will volunteer to show Y/N their new room!"

"Well it isn't volunteering if you're just gonna decide for her..." Zooble rolled their eyes. "It's okay Zooble—I don't mind," Ragatha smile and walked up you. "Come on Y/N, let's go see your new room."

"I-Ill come too," Pomni quickly spoke up and bounced over beside Ragatha, looking at you intently. "Fine fine, just make it quick! After all, I'll have a fun brand new adventure waiting for you all~!"

You, Ragatha, and Pomni were about to walk off together when Jax sudden stepped in pace beside you, "This group looks interesting. I think I'll stick around as well," He said with a sly draw of his words. You glared at the purple bunny and narrowed your eyes at him, unable to fully detect his vibe but something about him seemed annoyingly off.

"Jax, please don't be a bully the newbie. We actually want them to warm up to the place, not hate it," Ragatha sighed, "come on Y/N, let's get you settled.

With that, you and the three other Circus Members walked off towards a hall a few feet away from the huge stage.

★𝐴𝑚𝑎𝑧𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐷𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑠★ : [The Amazing Digital Circus X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now