𝟑 ⋆ ★ A New Room In A Hall of X's

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You looked around as the rag doll, jester, and tall bunny led you down the loooooong hallway bursting with colors and decorated with numerous painting, pictures, and doors. If you weren't so disoriented about ending up in a random new world with no memory of the last, you would think everything was pretty fun looking and would've liked to explore more for your own enjoyment. However, at the moment, you were more on edge than anything else and you badly wanted to find out from Pomni what she maybe knew about seeing exits.

"So these are our rooms and all, where you'll get to relax, sleep, do whatever you wish! Although to take note that we don't really need sleep here," Ragatha explained. "You can if you want but it's not a necessity."

"Oh it's a necessity alright," Jax spoke up, folding his arms behind his head, "how else is one supposed to find peace and quiet away from you mental bozos~?"

"Jax..." Ragatha groaned. You glare at Jax funnily and the bunny winked at you, adding, "Stay with us for a few days and come tell me if I'm wrong."

You looked away from him and turned your attention back to the doors that lined the hall. You noticed that some of the door had characters you hadn't met yet, but their image was marked off. "Hey...why are some of these guys X'd out?" You asked.

"Errmmm..." Pomni quickly clasped her hands together and looked nervously to Ragatha and Jax. Jax sighed and rolled his eyes, "Do ya want the straightforward answer or the straightforward one?"

You blink at him confusedly and murmur cautiously, "I guess...the straightforward one...?"

"Abstracted..." Ragatha spoke up before Jax could even reply. "these people were all...abstracted."

There was a quiet moment of silence that seemed to reverberate throughout the hall, making you feel uncomfortable, so you awkwardly spoke up again, "what exactly does that mean...?"

"Well, it happens when..." Ragatha began more quietly, "well when...you give up."

Pomni tapped her fingers together, her round eyes huge with anxiety. Jax's usual smirk was now a scowl, surprising you that he seemed to display other facial features besides that of a smug jackass. Ragatha continued to speak, "Um in fact...we just recently lost a friend of ours to abstraction..."

By this point you assumed "Abstracting" had to be some form of "death" within this strange world. However, with the specific use of the word "abstracting" over "death", it was enough to make you feel uncomfortable that whatever it was, it was not a quick, straightforward version of demise.

"Look," Jax finally spoke again, cutting the silence, "it's simple. If you don't wanna end up like these guys? Then all ya gotta do is not lose your marbles. You lose your marbles? Your room gets a big shiny X across your face."

★𝐴𝑚𝑎𝑧𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐷𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑠★ : [The Amazing Digital Circus X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now