𝟒 ⋆ ★ Gloink Ball!

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         "Ah, there you four are! You sure take forever to see a room," Caine was the first to greet you and the others once you'd exited out of the hallway and back into the main area of the tent where the stage was.

"Thank goodness you guys are back—Caine was about to make us start without you," Zooble sighed, slumping their shoulders. "In that case, maybe we should've admired your room a bit more Y/N," Jax scoffed, "let's hope this one's actually interesting..."

"Hey Caine! Let's tell them what the adventure will be today!" Bubble screeched, whizzing around Caine where he floated. "Alright alright—Bu...Bubble calm down. Now I've decided that since we have a newcomer and the last adventure with Pomni didn't go too well...we'd try again and play Capture The Gloinks!"

"Not AGAIN!?" Zooble shouted. "Hooray! I don't know about you guys but I had fun that last time," Kinger exclaimed, clasping his floating hands together.

"Um Caine...?" Ragatha slowly rose a finger, "wouldn't it be best not to relive that again, especially after last time...?"

Caine froze for a moment before holding his cane up in the air, "Ragatha...! I think you might be right...what was I thinking!"

Caine suddenly glided over to you and pressed the head of his cane into your chest. "Y/N! What kind of activity do you think we should do today? It could be anything you could possibly think of!"

"Me? I uh..." you muttered, feeling the attention of the others falling on you. "I don't really know. What about...dodge ball maybe...?"

"GGGGGGGLOONK BALL IT IS!" Caine yelled, a burst of confetti exploding from behind him. "Gloink...ball?" Gangle whimpered. "The rules will be simple folks! Everyone will get into two teams on the stage! There will be a distribution of Gloinks you can use to attack other players with; if you get hit, you're out!"

Caine pointed to the stage and the curtains opened to reveal a lineup of weird shapes that were bouncing up and down on the stage ready for the game. "Those are Gloinks?" You utter out. "Aren't they cute? Zooble would tell ya," Jax chuckled, causing Zooble to growl.

"There will be three rounds. Your goal is to try and get all players of the opposite team OUT to win a point! Now go ahead and pick your teams!"

"...I—I dunno if I really wanna play this..." Gangle began to start trembling, folding her ribbon hands around each other nervously. "Gangle, your comedy mask's still broken? Here!" Caine pointed his cane at Gangle and suddenly a brand new mask plopped into her hands out of thin air. Gangle gasped and quickly placed the mask on, and you saw that the constant upset expression that made up her face was now a cheerful smile. "AlllRIGHT Let's do this thing! I'm so fired up right now!" Gangle screeched, rolling her ribbon arms up like fists.

★𝐴𝑚𝑎𝑧𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐷𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑠★ : [The Amazing Digital Circus X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now