𝟔 ⋆ ★ Realization

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The dinner that was set before you looked oddly delicious yet very cartoonish and fake looking in nature, and you weren't sure if you were actually hungry at the moment.

In fact, you for sure wasn't hungry, as you couldn't feel the pangs of hunger that came with yearning for food. To an extent, you'd forgotten what that even felt like.

The other circus crew members were all chatting and laughing as if it were just another Tuesday. You watched Bubble devour an entire plate of food clean without a scrap being left behind. Ragatha and Pomni talked while Pomni took small, awkward forkfuls of food; it looked as if she was still trying to get used to eating this kind of food.

Jax seemed to be wholly enjoying the huge hamburger that was set out for him. 'Maybe that'll help save his sorry arms and legs...' you thought to yourself, glaring at the bunny's lanky frame. Gangle and Zooble were sitting beside each other talking (Zooble's head was on the table...), and Kinger sat at the end, playing around with his utensils and pretending they were airplanes.

You sat between an empty seat where Caine was supposed to sit and Ragatha. Before you was a simple plate of what looked to be a slab of ham and some greens that you couldn't decipher. "Aren't you hungry, Y/N?" Ragatha's gentle voice pulled you from your thoughts and you turned to face her with a small smile, "Actually no...not really. My stomach isn't upset but I just..."

You trailed off and Ragatha gave you a pitiful gaze, "I...know how you feel. Don't force yourself to eat, I'm sure Caine would understa--"

"WHELL HELLO FOLKS! Yes, I have returned!" Caine's voice suddenly echoed through the tent, and his form abruptly appeared out of thin air right beside you, causing you screech out in shock. You watch, eye twitching as the ringmaster slowly lowered himself onto the chair next to you, then leaned over the chair and stared at you with a somewhat expectant gaze, "SO Y/N! How's the food? Bubble's a fantastic cook, aren't they? Certainly fills you up, doesn't it?"

You glared at Caine and mumbled, "Before you start rambling to me at least give me a second to restart my heart from your 'spontaneous entrance'..."

"Ohhh, heheh...I'm eh...sorry about that."

You inhaled deeply before finally breathing out, "Caine, this place has been great and all but...this all has to be some sort of...ultra-realistic dream, right? The only way I've been able to keep it together this whole time is because I kept telling myself "Hah, well maybe this is all some fun, lucid dream and I could wake up from any second!" but...but...this is a bit TOO real to actually think..."

★𝐴𝑚𝑎𝑧𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐷𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑠★ : [The Amazing Digital Circus X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now