𝟖 ⋆ ★ The Cardgician Debuts!

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You stood on stage facing everyone with a deck of cards held tightly in your hand. A blindingly bright spotlight was focused directly upon you while the rest of the stage was covered in darkness. You could just barely make out the eyes of the crew watching you intently from down below, possibly judging you. You glance down and glare at the deck in your hand. For your first mock act...Caine had set you up with cards to display your magic trick. The problem was—you didn't...have magic...?

Something compelled you not to speak up though, so you just awkwardly stood there with the box clenched in your hand. "Uh—Y/N...you know you have to do something with the cards, right...?" Caine had finally spoken up after an uncomfortable amount of time of silence had passed.

"...Caine...I don't know how to do magic tricks with cards..." You uttered out, slightly glancing away. "Weellll you did suggest the idea," Caine responded, "still, I just might be able to help you!"

Caine did a very melodramatic flick with his wrist before he flashed his cane in your direction, and suddenly a swirl of gray smoke manifested around you. After a few seconds, the smoke seemed to dissipate and miniature sparks began to spring from your body. "Let's...see what you can do now!" Caine exclaimed.

You were curious as to why sparks were flying out of your body, but shrugged it off and ripped open the pack of cards. What should you do first? Maybe you could start with shuffling the cards, duh...afterwards you could—...

Your thoughts trailed off as without you having any control over it, the cards began to lift from your hands and soar around you in a single file line, spiraling around you like rings on a planet. Your eyes widen with amazement and you look to Caine, "Wait—I'm not even really controlling this—how is this happening?"

"Welllllllllll I gave you the magic, all you've got do now is become one with it and try to control it! It's your show now!"

"My show.." You mumbled. You knew nothing about running a show and all that jazz but you may as well give it a try. Your first few minutes with the cards were actually pretty disappointing, as you just couldn't figure out how to actually control them and you instead made them fly all over the place wildly, eventually attacking the other cast members against your will.

After countless flaws, you eventually realized that as you moved your hands and arms, the cards also seemed to shift directly with your movement. You figure something out and wave your hand around in front of you steadily. The cards began to fly around in a more refined path, mimicking the action. You then shot your hand up into the air over your head, and the cards instantly flew upwards and formed a spinning circle of cards over your head.

"Wait...that's ...that's actually pretty cool...?" Pomni spoke up, seeming genuinely enthralled by your display. "Alright you got it, do some actual magic tricks already," Jax yawned, tapping his paw on the ground impatiently. You glared at Jax for a moment before smirking, suddenly getting an idea.

"An actual magic trick, Jax? As you wish..."

You shifted both your hands out in front of you and directed the cards to follow your hand motions. As you were slowly getting the hang of controlling the movement of the cards, you began to focus all your concentration into making them form something.

★𝐴𝑚𝑎𝑧𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐷𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑠★ : [The Amazing Digital Circus X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now