Ohhh- What's this?

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The buttercup trio (Mumbo, Grian, and Scar) were looking at the public library in the HUB which has luckily gotten a bit better from the past like Doc, Etho, and their own admin, Xisuma has told the three. It was horrible in past like the three explained, like YHS in a way which was getting talked about a bit more during the therapy like circle that the members have at least every two weeks. Scar and Grian were looking for build designs while Mumbo was just browsing when he stumble across a thick black binder, papers not fully in there in it like it was left there by someone in a hurry, it had no barcode like the other books had and the side bind just had two words on it 'The Files'. Mumbo grabbed it off of the shelf and held it in his hands, it wasn't too heavy but it wasn't lightest thing in the world. He walked over to the other two members of the trio who were fawning over a build book that was made years and years ago by someone named 'Avery Jacobs'. "Hey..Have you guys seen this type of book around at all?" Mumbo asked as he showed the binder to Grian and Scar which the parrot hybrid snatched out of the vampire's hands. Grian started to look through the binder before putting in his inventory "Are you?-" Mumbo tried to say before Scar and Grian shushed him. "Its fine, let's just check out this one book and we can head back onto Hermitcraft!" Scar said as the three went to self checkout, checked out the book, and went back to the beloved server that they all cared for. The binder was still on Mumbo's mind and why Grian stanched it from the library without checking out which he soon chalked it up to Grian not wanting to deal with human interaction that wasn't him or Scar at the moment. 

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