Looking at the first three files

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Once the three got back to Hermitcraft and the one of their bases, Grian pulled out the binder and set it infront of the three who were sitting in a circle- 

"So, Why didn't we ask anyone about this and just took it?" Mumbo asked as Grian shrugged his shoulders before he opened the binder and the three looked at the first page that was a bit ominous to three.. 

'This information for this first batch of files on these 3 individual was taken on 02/06/????

please keep that in mind while reading this batch of files'

The three now had a gut feeling that the stuff in this binder might not be the good if that was the warning for anything that might be on these files but they continued by flipping the page to see the file for...Xisuma?! There was a picture next to the information that was printed out probably years ago. "Woah, He looks so young in that picture" Scar said with a smile on his face while Grian noticed something else "And he doesn't have that eyepatch that he wears now on..." The parrot hybrid mentioned to the other two which they nodded their heads on as they were reading the information. The most shocking information is that he didn't have pronouns when he was 18 (the three chalked it up to the fact that he was in the void most of his childhood and didn't know what pronouns were at the time) and that his middle name was Starborn. "If I am correct, isn't Starborn hybrids very rare nowadays?" Scar asked as they flipped to the next file, Grian nodded as they continued to read the files, finding out that the author of the book that they checked out earlier was in these files and that all three of them were friends. Xisuma, Puffy, and Avery were all friends and now the group was curious about if they were still friends. 

"You know what we should do" Scar told the two while there was a smile on his face, the two look at him curious as Mumbo closes the binder "We should send a photo of us posing with the binder in a new groupchat that we can make" Scar said before Grian now had a mischievous grin on his face as he pulled out his red and white communicator "Scar. That is the most wonderful Idea ever." Grian said, the smile still on his face.

Secret groupchat~ 

Grian added GoodTimesWithScar, MumboJumbo, Rendog, Docm77, and and 6 others

InTheLittleWood: ?

Solidarity: ???

XyaireVoid: Grian, Wtv?

Grian: *sends a photo with Mumbo holding the binder as Scar it next to him*

Docm77: Grian. What is Mumbo holding?

Rendog: ngtl. whatever Mumbo is a bit sus.

ImpulseSV: It is, condistoring i can barely see the bind of it and it says 'The files'

InTheLittleWood: Yeah..I don't trust that binder. burn it.

TangoTek: Yeah! I'll help!

Zedaph: Same!

GoodTimesWithScar: but it has good information on Xisuma when he was younger :(.

XyaireVoid: I'm sorry. What?

Docm77: How young are we talking here? like when he first joined Hermitcraft or?

MumboJumbo: The first file is when he is 18- i'm assuming the other files is when he is older?

Rendog: Oh-

XyarieVoid: Don't burn or touch the binder, I'm on my way with Doc and Ren

Grian: wasn't planning on it!

MumboJumbo: Yeah

Solidarity: I guess me and Martyn will watch out the show from this groupchat i guess-

InTheLittleWood: Yeah, i guess so-

Grian changed 10 users names

Impulse: Just let me know if you need me there or not-

Grian: 👍

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