So...What's Going on..?

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TW/CW: Mentions of SH (Not cutting but it was self inflicted, It's also closer to the end of this chapter)


Secret groupchat~

Martyn: it's been about 30-ish minutes since we have last heard from anyone, Is everything ok over there???

Jimmy/Timmy: Yeah, I haven't heard from you guys in a bit and i'm starting to slightly worried

Grian: YEP.

Martyn: That doesn't sound convincing...

Tango: I'm getting a slight feeling something if off considering the dungeon is disturbed

Zed: How is it disturbed if no one expect you in there atm??? 

Tango: 🤷

Impulse: after this remind me to drag Tango out of decked out 2.0 to take a break but Grian what is happening over there? You usually don't type in caps unless you are really happy or something bad happened

Jimmy/Timmy: ☝

Grian: So, what if i told you that the files might have some traumatic information on some people we know and Ren read it and now it is chaos over here...?

Martyn: W h a t.

Impulse: I'm omw. Make sure no one dies or gets hurt 

Grian: Will do!

Zed: Oh. Wait. Isn't some of those file things based on Suma?

Grian: YEah. abt that- We might just burn this thing after all cause i don't know how much more traumatic stuff is in this

Martyn: Oh watchers...

Tango: Can i help?!

Grian: Sure but funfact now, Xisuma (by legal standards) has five kids and two of them are hermits while the other three are non-hermits that he has been taking care of since he was 20?

Zed: Wow- I'm not fully surprised considering he always had that fatherly feel to them but still slightly shocked by this information

Jimmy/Timmy: Yeah...Anyways- How is everyone doing..?

Mumbo: Uhm, Xyaire is pissed yet upset at the same time, Doc is trying to help calm down Ren and Xyaire but he's not doing to well with that, Grian is slightly panicking as well as Ren and Scar is trying to hide the binder from the group while we wait for Impulse to help with this

Tango: Should i ask Xisuma to come over and help?

Martyn: I don't think that will help with the situation, i think it will make it worse if we ask him to try to help atm

Tango: Cool, won't do that

Impulse: I'm here, You guys don't have to worry about the group. I will make sure they are ok and are safe before leaving them

Jimmy/Timmy:  👍


Xisuma's POV (It has been a few hours)


I was working on one of my farms before Kerails came over to me, he seemed happy but it is always hard to tell emotions at times with people "Hey there Shashammy, You doing alright?" He asked me as i looked at him, a soft smile on my face "I'm doing very well at the moment Kerails, How are you through?" I asked my best friend, it has been a good couple of hours since there have been any huge amount of lag from the server which is a bit concerning but they are probably calm for once which again is weird cause i know my hermits don't calm down in a middle of a prank war. Once you have been a admin for too long, you get used to the prank wars and massive lag spikes. "I'm doing alright, just looking at the builds so far this season" The wide eyed player told me as I finish making sure that the farm was ok. "That's nice, I haven't been able i check out any of the new builds recently so that would be fun-" right as i was about to finish my sentence when I was tackled to the floor by something or someone. I tried to look up to see who or what did it but I only saw Kerails who looked slightly annoyed by whoever or whatever tackled me to the floor "Xy, Why did you tackle your sibling to the floor?" Kerails asked, a hint of playfulness in his voice as person why tackled me (Xyaire) got off of me and let me get up which i did as i stared at them, a bit concern yet slightly annoyed. "No reason.." They mumbled out as I took a deep breath "As i was trying to say before getting tackled to the floor, That would be fun to go see the new builds and minigames that have been made recently" I said, a smile on my face even through it couldn't be shown. "Alright, It seems that Evilshashwam wants to talk to you so i'll leave you guys alone" Kerails said before he left after we said bye to each other. I looked at my twin who seemed defensive yet concerned at the same time. "Is everything alright Xyaire? You usually don't tackle me unless we both agree on it and you seem upset as well.." I asked my blood, concerned for them. They sighed before they put a hand on my shoulder. 

"Xisuma, When were you going to tell me that you gouged out your own eye..?"


"⊑⍜⍙ ⎅⟟⎅ ⊬⍜⎍ ⎎⟟⋏⎅ ⍜⎍⏁ ⏃⏚⍜⎍⏁ ⏁⊑⏃⏁..? ⟟ ⏁⊑⍜⎍☌⊑⏁ ⋏⍜ ⍜⋏⟒ ☍⋏⟒⍙.."


Uhm- Sorry for being dead for so long? 

I got a new computer and lost access to this account for a bit + writer's block so i am sorry about that-

I hope you guys had good holidays!

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