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"How old are you? I forgot to ask." We were sitting on the swings of the playground, nobody was there since it was school hours.

"Twenty four, you?" He asked back.

"Twenty six." I looked over at him.

"How are we going to mess up this alliance?" He couldn't contain the hint of curiousness in his voice.

"We have to find a plan, because they clearly don't care about our feelings, do they?"

He shook his head and dropped it down, I would have to deal with that pessimism until we success to cancel the wedding, great.

We stayed in silence for a few minutes until he got a phone call.

"Yes dad?" He rolled his eyes.

"Okay, we're on our way." He threw a glance at me before hanging up.

"We have to go, our parents are waiting for us." He started to leave without looking back.

I followed his steps and wondered how I was going to get out of this situation.

"Jisung, did you take your fiance's phone number?" She pushed him in my way.

"No..." he bit his bottom lip.

I handed him my phone so he could put his number without having to make his mom angrier than she already was.
He typed it quickly and gave it back, I registered the contact as "Jisung" and put it in my pocket.

"I never thought I would say this, but I'm glad our sons are gay!" The ugly and short man laughed at his own remark and my father smiled awkwardly.

My mom finally closed the door and I suddenly felt how tense I was.
I exhaled and met my mom's eyes.

"They are horrible parents." was the only thing I said before going back to my room.
I had his number, but I didn't know what to do with it.

I decided to call my friend since I had ignored him for the day.


"What do you mean 'hi'?!" I heard him shout.

"Don't yell."

"I've been trying to reach out for 8 hours, I thought you were dead or something." He sighed.

"You could say that..."

"What do you mean?" His sudden change in tone made me smile.

"Come over, I need to tell you in person."

He hung up after telling me he'd be there in 20 minutes.
I waited for my friend, almost falling asleep.

I heard someone burst into my room.

He jumped on the bed, next to me, and observed me with squinted eyes.

"You seem pretty alive to me!" He laughed but quickly stopped when he noticed I wasn't even smiling.

"Okay... it seems serious." He side-eyed me.

"It is, I'm getting married."

"What?" He sat up, his eyes widening while he processed things.

"With who? When?" The younger boy shook me as if I became mute.

"Calm down Seungmin, I'll explain everything." I pushed him aside soflty and began my story.

"Han Jisung, in a month. Our parents made a deal for business and thought that the best idea was to marry their sons to each other, I met him earlier this morning, and he seemed so sad and hopeless... I felt so bad." I summed up.

"Oh so it's an arranged marriage..." he nodded and lied down on the matress.

"Did you guys talk to each other?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah we did, and I told him I'd find a way to cancel it..." I could feel my friend's eyes digging a hole into my head.

"And how are you going to do that, genius?" He nudged my arm.

"I don't know, but I'm going to find a way, even if I have to mess with my parent's business." I lied down next to Seungmin.

He nodded and stayed silent, propably thinking about something.
The situation was hard to handle, I was okay with marrying a stranger, but I thought he at least wanted it a little. I would have felt bad forever if he had to end up having a person he didn't love as his husband. 

My mom entered my room and looked at Seungmin.

"I didn't know you were here minnie!" She hugged him.

"How is your mom doing?" She asked.

"She's great, as usual." He smiled shyly.

She ruffled his hair and told us to not forget to eat diner since my parents were going out tonight.

I offered my friend to sleep over and he accepted, I also thought about the phone number I had, I sent him a text so he could also have my number, just in case.

"It's minho, save my number."

I got a call a few minutes after sending the text, Seungmin was using the shower and I was in the kitchen, heating the food.

Jisung is calling...

"Hello?" I asked, confused to why he was calling me.

"I'm sorry to bother you, really, can we meet somewhere, anywhere?" He sounded worried and I could hear him panting, like he was running.

"Come to my house." I told him without thinking.

"Send me the adress." It was the first time he talked to me with a bit of inssurance.

I sent him by text and he hung up.

What the fuck.

"Man I'm sorry my mom called, my aunt came home so I have to go back." His lips turned down.

"It's okay Seungmin, thank you for coming." I patted his shoulder, still a bit out of it since the phonecall.

As he was getting out, Jisung came running and was now face to face with my friend.

His eyes were red and his bottom lip had blood on it.

"Hello..?" He tilted his head to get a better look.

"Seungmin I'll explain later, I have to help him." I rushed to take Jisung in.

"O-okay.." he nodded and made his way home, obviously confused.

As soon as I closed the door Jisung fell on the floor, tears forming in his eyes. His phone was ringing in his pocket, he took it out and turned it off.

"What happened?!"

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