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I took my luggage and went outside to see the driver waiting in front of the front door.
He took my suitcase and put it in the truck.
I sat at the back and we were off to the airport.

It was still night, the moon was still there.
It was around 4am, my eyes were having a hard time staying open, just as I was about to fall alseep, tha car stopped.
I got ready to exit the vehicle but I stopped when I realised we weren't at the airport.

"What are we doing here?" I asked the driver.

"Your father's demand." He waited for a bit and went outside when he saw someone approach the car.
I looked through the window and saw the short boy with messy hair, his cheeks growing when he smiled at the driver.
My eyes widened, was I dreaming? Maybe I had actually fallen asleep.

Jisung froze when he held the door handle, our gaze met and I still had a confused look on my face.

He ended up opening the door and slowly sat down next to me.

"Why are you here?" My eyebrows were furrowed.

"Well, I could ask you the same question!" He smiled and took off his scarf.

"I'm going on a business trip...wait am I?" I saw the man in front of us smile through the rear view mirror.

"Did my dad plan this?" I asked him, already knowing the answer.

He nodded and I sighed, the boy next to me bit his lip and nodded as he was starting to understand the situation.

"Oh so we're having a honeymoon trip without even being married yet..." he looked at his laps and scratched his knee.

"I'm sorry I didn't know they were doing this really! If you don't like me being with you we can still cancel the plane ticket-" He started to speak a little too fast.

I stopped him by holding his hand. I shook my head and muttered a 'no'. I saw his shoulder relax and his chest ups and downs started to slow down.

"I don't hate it, I mean, it can be fun, I needed vacation." I pushed my hair back.

"Let's just say it's a trip between friends, yeah?" I smiled to reassure him and he nodded, returning my smile.


We arrived at airport, I took both our luggages and we headed to the booth to register them.
Since we had first classes seats it was quick.

We gave them our suitcases and had to pass through many security systems before actually entering the main part of the airport, where all the luxurious stores were.

I noticed Jisung stopping in front of a chocolaterie, almost drooling over the sweets in front of him.
I smiled at the sight and lightly put my hand on his back to lead him in the little store.

As soon as we entered the smell of chocolate penetrated my nostrils and a warm feeling envelopped me. Jisung was already picking boxes placed on the shelf.
I joined him and took a look of what he was holding.

He hummed happily and went to the counter to pay, but it felt wrong so I quickly took out my credit card and payed even before he had taken out his wallet. He look at me with wide eyes, which quickly turned into cute anger.

"Why did you pay?!" He raised his eyebrows, his wallet now in his hands.

"How much was it, I'll pay you back." He handed me cash and I pushed it away as I took the bag the lady was handing us.

"Come on! Let me pay it back!" He put the cash in my pocket but I quickly gave it back, we stopped bickering when we heard the cashier laugh softly.

"You're lucky to have a lover that cares for you like this young man!" She smiled and we stood there for a few seconds, but eventually Jisung decided to respond.

"Oh, we are- I mean, thank you..." He hid his face by looking at the floor, I took his flustered state as an opportunity to take him by the hand and drag him out of the store.

"Have a good day!" The old lady grinned, and I nodded sharply to return her gesture.

We sat down at a table and I placed one of the boxes between us.
He slowly opened it and took one into his mouth.

"How is it?" I asked, now curious about the taste.

"It's perfect!" He munched happily and advised me to take one too, I did as told.

I couldn't disagree, even if I didn't like chocolate much, this one was particularly good, propably because we bought it from a reputed chocolaterie.

We had one hour left before the gates opened for our flight. We did some shopping, Jisung went his way at one point so I did the same, until something caught my attention.


"What is that?" I tried to peck inside one of the bag he was holding but he quickly pulled it away, making me even more curious.

"Can't I see?" I raised one eyebrow.

"No, it's personal." He firmly answered.

I chose not to ask any more questions.
The first classes were getting in the plane first, so we settled in our seats early.
We managed to put all our items in the overhead locker.

"I never went to Paris." Jisung said, his eyes fixed on mine.

"Me neither, actually." I smiled.

The boy next to me did the same and nodded.
We sat in silence for the first part of the trip, I was writting a report on my computer and Jisung was listening to some podcasts he had dowlanded beforehand.

Once the food came, we both turned off our devices and savoured the meal, sharing our opinions while eating.
During the hours left, we just decided to play games on the seatback screens.

"I beat you again!!" He nudged my shoulder and I caught his hand to tickle him, he was begging me to stop, I put a finger on his mouth to indicate him that he was being too loud, a smirk plastered on my face.
I finally stopped and Jisung had littler tears in the corner of his eyes.
He whipped them off, still catching his breath.

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