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"Yeah I'm sorry but this is the only room you booked and we don't have any other room at the moment." She looked through her computer and gave us an apologetic smile.

"It's okay, can we have a spare bed though?" I asked, hoping to get a positive answer.

"Yeah we can do that!" She smiled and called someone to explain the situation.

Jisung was just standing next to me, observing to lobby of hotel we were staying at, it was big and luxurious.
He seemed amazed by the enormous chandelier placed at the center of the ceiling.

Once everything was settled, a young man took our luggages and invited us to follow him to our room, which we did.
I was a bit surprised at my parents' action, sending us to another country alone was one thing, but only booking one room with a king sized bed seemed a bit weird.

Once we reached the door, the man who helped us gave us the key and left after wishing us a good stay.
We entered the room and everything was neat clear, the walls were white and since the big sliding windows let the rays of sun penetrate the room, they were shining.
The balcony offered us a view directly on the eiffel tower, it was beautiful.

"Oh my god! Minho it's so pretty!" The sun was setting slowly and the sky was painted with a  soft cardinal red.
I put down out suitcases and the shopping bags from the airport.
Jisung stayed on the balcony for a few minutes before turning around with a smile on his face.

"I like it." He joined me in front of the little fridge, I was holding the menu they had left on the wooden shelf on top of it.

"Hmm breakfast is at ten tomorrow, isn't it a bit late?" I wondered.

"Maybe that's how it is here?" He opened the door of the bathroom and a bathtub came into view.

I followed Jisung in his steps and discovered the rest of it.

"Do you want to take a shower before we go out?" I asked.

"We're going out?" He was reading the label on the little bottles that were placed on the sink.

"I mean, we can stay here if you want to." I hesitated not knowing what he wanted.

"No, let's visit Paris!" His cheeky smile reassured me and I let him alone so he could take a shower.

I sat on the bed, it was more than enough for two people but I felt like we weren't that close yet to be sleeping together, so I wished the other bed would come by the time we came back.
I was scrolling through my emails, responding to a few of them and simply deleting other ones, I was too focused but the sudden sound of the door handle caught my attention.
Jisung got out, a towel around his little waist, I looked for a few seconds before turning my head the other way.

"Oh come on!" He laughed and I looked back to where he was.
The younger turned around to take clothes from his suitcase that was by the bed.

"Doesn't it make you uncomfortable?" I pecked at his abs unconsciously.

"What?" A few drops were falling from his wet hair.

"That I see your body." I raised an eyebrow.

"You're going to be my husband so... I mean, I don't know, I don't feel uncomfortable to say the least." He hummed while choosing an outfit for tonight.

I nodded in response and closed my laptop so I could look at him.
His body was well-built, his shoulders were broad but his waist so little, his arms were lean but muscular and his abs were complimenting his tiny waist perfectly.

"Minho I can see you watching..." he smirked and I quickly adverted my eyes.
I shrugged my shoulders and went to the bathroom to take a shower.


"Please please please!" He begged and I sighed.

"Jisung eating so much macarons is bad for your health..." the youngest was looking at me with doe eyes, a box of macarons in his left hand.
I ended up agreeing since I couldn't resist his cute gaze.

"Thanks!" I paid and we got out of the store.

We didn't really know where we were going but it was more fun that way. We got to discover many things such as the docks and parcs.
It was the start of autumn so the weather was perfect, even if it was at night, it wasn't too cold.
We took many photos to make memories, Jisung in particular got his phone in hand all along, ready to fill his phone with pictures.

"This is the best night ever." The squirrel-like boy smiled, his eyes sparkled under the starry night, we were on a bridge, simply admiring the view in front of us.

"Do you think jumping from here would kill you?" He looked down at the dark water under us.

"Propably, the water would be impossible to swim in." I shrugged my shoulders.

Jisung hummed, his eyes never quitting the river.

"Wait, you're not thinking about it, are you?" I started to worry.

"No, I mean not anymore at least." His eyes were holding back tears and he shivered after turning his head so I couldn't see.
I wasn't sure how to react, I felt like we had grown much closer very quickly, and it scared me.
Without getting lost in useless thoughts I instinctively wrapped my arms around him.
He got startled but didn't pull away, it took him a few seconds to wrap his arms around me in return, we stayed like this for a whole minute before Jisung pulled away.

"Thank you." He put a hand on my shoulder, he wasn't smiling, but I could still see that he was grateful, Jisung held every emotion in his eyes, if you knew how to read him, he propably wouldn't even have to talk anymore, since it was so obvious,
It was for me.

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