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"Yes?" I turned my head to observe him.

"I have a question." He played with the end of his tie.

"Tell me." I nodded, waiting for him to speak up.

"Have you found a solution?" He hesitantly let out.

"Not yet, sorry." I leaned into my seat.

"Don't find one." He smiled halfly.

I frowned "why?"

He let his head rest on his hand, he seemed lost in thoughts but eventually ended up answering.

"I thought about it all night, I couldn't sleep, scared of the outcome of all of this, but I understood that we couldn't cancel our parent's deal, at least not me." He sighed.

"They would propably either kill me or send me in another country." He laughed.

"Don't say that, you're their son." I put a hand on his forearm, still trying to focus on the road.

"Can you stop somewhere, I think we need to have a serious talk." He ordered, and I obeyed.

He fully turned his body to face me.
I did the same and waited patiently, my eyes following his every move.

"Well, first, I have to admit something only my family knows..." he hesitated.

I nodded.

"I'm not their son..." my eyes widened, I had a hard time to believe him.

"What do you mean, who are you real parents?" I leaned forward.

"Well my parents died in a car accident when I was one, so I don't remember them at all, after that, my grandmother obligated my uncle and his wife to adopt me and treat me like their son, to which they were completely against, but ended up accepting when she said she would give them money every month." He rolled his eyes.

I was lost and needed time to process what he had just said.

"Okay, I get it now." I pinched the space between my brows.

"And about us..." he started.

"I've thought about it and I'm going to accept you as my husband." He chew the inside of his mouth.

"Why?" I placed my head on the wheel, my eyes directed at his chubby face.

"You seem like a good person, we're not obligated to love each other, living with a friend would be convenient too... only if you're okay with this of course!" His big brown eyes seemed full of hope.

"I am, I was okay with marrying you from the beginning." I smiled and he took my hands in his.

"Thank you! Let's get along from now on." He excitingly suggested.

"Wow, do you have multiple personalities?" I teased him.

"It's how I am when I start getting confortable, deal with it." He pouted.

"I don't mind, Jisung." I ruffled his hair and drove to his house.

Once I made sure he was inside I took the road to my house, we were not living that far from each other.
My thoughts were mixed, I remembered what the boy said, about us getting along with each other, obviously I thought he was nice and I'd prefer him to marry me instead of living under the same roof as them.
But I was hesitant, could this turn into love? Or would it simply feel like I'm marrying a friend?
I didn't want to dig more into my worries.

"So are you going to tell me something or..?" She laughed while I stayed silent.

"Mrs. Kang, I have nothing to tell you." I sighed.

"Oh stop it! And I thought I had a chance, you should have told me!" She shook her head.

"Tell you what? I told you that we were not getting in a relationship didn't I?" I lifted an eyebrow.

"Yeah.. you did. But I thought it was because you found me annoying, not because you were gay or even already had someone."

"Mrs. Kang, don't you have things to work on? Or do you want me to maybe report your behaviour to the superiors?" I smirked slyly.

"Come on! But you're not wrong, I'll go, good luck with everything." She put a thumbs up and left my office.

I closed my eyes, I was tired and the amount of work I had wasn't helping. I usually liked my job, but these days I could only think about other things.

After a few hours, I wrapped up everything and went home.

As soon as I passed through the door my mom caught my arm and dragged me to the living room where my dad was.

"Son, sit here." He showed me the seat next to him.

"Yes dad?" I asked, confused.

"I assigned you on a business trip, your flight is tomorrow so make sure you're ready." He said as if it wasn't a big deal.
My father rarely sent me on business trips, saying that I would be more efficient if I was at the company.

"Where? For how many days?" I frowned.

"Paris, for three nights." He smiled.

I nodded and went to my room. I packed my things and went back downstairs after some time to eat, alone.
My family wasn't very strict on traditions, they didn't mind me eating alone or talking to them casually, which I was grateful for.

I was surfing on my phone when I received a text from Chan.


"Nothing, why?"

"We wanted to hang out."


"My place."

"I'll be there in 30 minutes."

"Don't be late."

I turned off my phone and finished my meal, faster that I would normally have.

I arrived at Chan's and Seungmin was already there, laying on the couch, his phone in hand.
The oldest stood up to greet me.

"How are you doing?" He took my jacket.

"Well, I won't stay long, I have a flight tomorrow morning." I told him as I made my way to where Seungmin was.

"What? where?" The youngest sat up, putting his phone away.

"Paris." I let myself fall on the couch next to him and closed my eyes for a brief moment.

"Why?" He scouted closer as his curiosity was growing.


He nodded and went back to his old position.

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