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My throat was dry and my eyelids heavy, I opened them and saw that I was in a hospital room, Jisung was sleeping at my left.
I couldn't move at all, so I tried to raise my voice but even doing the minimum was a burden, and my voice couldn't be heard because of the oxygen mask.
But to my surprise, the boy sat up and cried, but he suddenly looked at me and saw that my eyes were open.

"MINHO!" He stood up in no time and held my hand, I gave him a soft smile.

"YOU'RE ALIVE!" His tears didn't stop.

He got out of the room and came back seconds later with a doctor.

"Hello Mrs.Lee." He took off my oxygen mask and took his notebook and a pen.

"Are you feeling pain anywhere?" He asked.

I shook my head and he nodded.
He asked a few more questions and then closed his notebook.

"Minho aren't you thirsty? I'll give you water." Jisung brought a bottle to my mouth and I felt alive again.
I was grateful to have him with me.

I managed to caress the back of his hand, and even if I couldn't speak, he understood what I was trying to say

Thank you.

He brushed my hair with his fingers and left a kiss on my forehead.

"I had a bad dream Minho." He placed my hand on his cheek.

"I thought I had lost you." His sad eyes were fixed on mines.
I shook my head and smiled, to show him that I was actually alive.
After some time, I felt like I could speak again.

"Jisung..." I started "Don't blame yourself..." I tried to sat up but a sharp pain on my lower belly caught me off guard.

"Don't move, you should rest." He ordered and I laid back down.


They had placed me in a normal room so everyone was gathered around me.

"How are you honey?" My mom caressed my head and I smiled.

"I am fine, really." I reassured her.

"I think I actually love you Minho..." Seungmin spoke up.

"Wow Seungmin loves me, what a honour" I laughed lightly, but quickly stopped after feeling uncomfortable.

"Baby don't laugh it'll make your stiches losen up!" Jisung scolded me.

"Your best day is also you worst day, wow." Felix mentionned and silence took place in the room.

"Okay I wasn't trying to bring the mood down..." he scratched his neck.
Hyunjin was standing by him, holding his waist for support.
Jeongin seemed sad and Chan couldn't help but ask many questions to the doctor.
They all were worried about my situation, even though I felt okay.

"When will I go home?" I asked.

"We can let you in a week." The old man replied and I nodded, even if the answer was not what I had expected.
All I wanted was to rest in my bed with Jisung hugging me.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

One week later...

"You're doing very well Mr. Minho!" The doctore smiled as we were signing the check out procedures.

"I think you'll be fine, but no physical activity for at least two weeks!" My eyes widened as I looked at Jisung who was organising the suitcases.

"Even...?" I hesitated.

"Yes, you'll have to wait before consummating your marriage if you want to stay healthy." He laughed and patted my shoulder.

I nodded and he left us alone.

"Can you help me get on the wheelchair?" I asked Jisung and he obeyed right away.
It didn't hurt but I was uncomfortable, I stood up with his help and sat on the wheelchair.
He gave our suitcases to the assistant we hired and he pushed my chair to the outside.

"Fresh air!" I inhaled.

My husband laughed and kissed the top of my head.

"Let's get you to bed." He put an arm under mine and helped me walk to sit on the bed.
He placed pillow behind me so I could sat against the headbed confortably.
I was loving being taken care of.

"Come here." I lifted the blanket and he joined me.

"Is the assistant gone?" I asked, looking at the door frame.

"Yeah I told her to go since it was late." He informed me "why?"

I took his face between my hands and collapsed our lips in a long kiss, I inserted my tongue in his mouth and he moaned softly.
My hand was quickly under his shirt and caressing his abs.
I parted away and started to kiss his neck, making him automatically turn his head to give me a better access. I left a few hickeys there and stopped.

"How am I going to wait 2 weeks..?" I let my head drop on the crook of his neck as I inhaled his scent.

He laughed and caressed my hair.

"We have to, for your health." He whispered.

"But I am good, plus two weeks is too long." I whined as I kissed his shoulder.

"When did you become so affectionate?" He asked as he put me back in my place.

"I don't know, I think I like you more everyday." I smiled.

"What a smooth talker..." he laughed and lied next to me.

"I meant it though." I assured.

"And I believe you, but let's sleep hm?" He suggested and I agreed.

We fell asleep pretty quickly, the hospital journey had tired both of us.

"I brought you breakfast." He put the tray on the bed and caressed my cheek.

"I should be stabbed more often." I smirked and he rolled his eyes.
He fed me and I enjoyed everything I was eating since it was from him.
He was so patient and careful, I felt like he was a gift.

"Jisung, did your grandmother talk to you?" I asked, since we didn't bring the topic back on the table yet.

"She did, why did you do that Minho?" He looked at me with sad eyes.

"What do you mean?" I frowned.

"You should'nt have told her, because of that you literally got stabbed, what if you died?" He shook his head.

"I don't care, he had to be punished, and look, at least he's going to jail now." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Yeah but at what costs? My husband almost died in front of my eyes, how would I have done if you left? Could I even live with the guilt I would have felt?" He turned around to hide his face from me.

I took his wrist in my hand and forced him to look at me.

"I am sorry honey, I should have talked it out with you first." I apologised.

"It's okay, I know you did it to protect me, but let's take decisions together from now on, hm?" He smiled and I nodded.

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