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"I think it's time for me to go home, thank you for everything Mrs. Lee." He bowed and my mom smirked.

"Call me mom! I said it before." She pinched his cheek.

"Thank you.... mom." He waved at her and his eyes landed on me.

"Thank you Minho." He smiled, it was cute.

We watched him leave by the entry gate, my mom interrupted me and hit my shoulder lightly.

"Falling for him?" She playfully winked.

"What?" I showed her a disgusted expression.

"It's not because it's arranged that you can't actually love the other person honey." She headed to the living room, leaving me alone in the entry hall.

I blinked a few times and realised how dumb I might looked.
My days were counted, I had to find a plan to cancel the wedding.
I was honestly worried about Jisung, he was going back home, the same home he escaped last night.
I told him to send me a text to tell me everything was okay, just in case.
He also gave me his adress, just in case.

"Okay... so you're telling me you're getting married in a month?" Chan asked me.

Seungmin, him and I were good friends since high school.
We met at a cafe to talk about the situation, the older was usually good at finding solutions.

"Yeah and I have to mess it up." I took a bite of the brownie I ordered.

"Hmm, that's a though one." He scratched his neck.

"I have an idea though..." I leaned forward, waiting for him to talk.

"How about you get in a relationship, your parents can't force you to marry him if you do, right?" He suggested, I took a few seconds to think about the idea.

"Yeah, but we need someone who is willing to agree to that." I sighed.

"How about you date for real? Get on a dating app." He lifted his eyebrows.

"I don't know about that, you know I find it burdensome." I shook my head.

"Then what about you ask Taeyong?" Seungmin lifted a finger, as if his was a genius.

"Taeyong?" I tilted my head.

"Yeah, he would propably be okay with this." He nodded.

"Isn't he in a relationship already?" Chan reminded.

"Is he? I didn't know." The youngest seemed desperate.

"What about me?" Chan pointed at himself.

"Gross." I let out.

"Super gross." Seungmin affirmed.

The oldest laughed and wiggled his eyebrows.

"It's fake anyways, let's just pretend for a few weeks, then we'll say we broke up." He said.

"No." The last thing I wanted was to pretend to be in a relationship with one of my close friends "my mom won't believe us anyways, she knows that you're my best friend." I explained.

They both nodded, I finished eating my dessert and my phone vibrated in my pocket.
I took it out to see Jisung calling me.

"Sorry I have to take this." I brought the phone to my ear.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yes, my parents didn't say anything since I was with you, they even told me I did good, I was surprised." He laughed anxiously.

"Okay, I'm relieved." I smiled.

"Also... I couldn't say it earlier but, thank you, really." He began.

"No it's ok-" I was interrupted by him.

"I haven't finished. I'm bad at socialising, I don't have any friends and I don't know how to act around new people, you are being so nice to me when you aren't obligated to, I'm grateful, please bear with me, at least until we find a solution." His voice was low but more confident than I ever heard him be.

"I do this because I want to, you're not bothering me Jisung, we're in the same boat." I sighed, his self esteem wasn't propably very high.

"Okay, well I have to go, thank you." He hang up before I could reply.
I looked at my phone in confusion.

"Your fiancé?" Chan hit my shoulder.

"Yeah." I put my phone back in my pocket.

My friends smirked and I look at them with big eyes.

"Don't start." I warned them.

"We didn't even say anything!" The youngest laughed.

I shook my head, I felt overwhelmed and tired. We had another meeting between families in a few days to talk about the organisation, I was already annoyed just thinking about it.

We discussed for a bit and I went home.
The sun was setting down slowly and I had to work tomorrow.
I parked my car in front of the house.

I opened the door and and took off my shoes, I went to the living room and saw my mom speaking to someone on her phone.

"Oh Minho! Come here, it's your aunt." I approached her and saw the middle aged woman on the screen, we hadn't spoken to each other for so long since the big argument.

"Hi aunt May." I waved at her and she waved back.

"You're getting married? Your mom just told me." She smiled.

"Yeah..." I looked at my mom, wondering why they were in a call.

"I'm happy, you deserve to have someone by your side." I simply nodded and went to my room after saying goodbye.

This whole story was strange...

A few years ago...

"You're fucking crazy." My mom pushed her away from me.

"Dallia, believe me I did nothing." She cried.

"So you're telling my son is a liar?!" She pointed at me.

"Mom, it's okay, let's go." I grabbed her arm.

I was 16 at the time, I had just came out to my parents, and my aunt, somehow figured out I was gay and spread it around the family.
I didn't blame her though, I wasn't planning on hiding my sexual orientation, I never denied anything until the day my mom heard my little cousin say slurs to me.
She was full of rage, and she forced me to tell her who was spreading those things.
I told her it was aunt May, because it was the truth, I would have never guessed they would stop talking to each other completely after that, they were sisters after all.

"You know how homophobic they are, don't you love your nephew at all?!"

"I didn't wish any harm on Minho!" She shouted back.

Last thing I remember was me being dragged out of her house, and we never saw her again after that.
Maybe I was too young to understand.

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