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"Good morning." Jisung scrubbed his eyes.

"Good morning Ji." I smiled.

His head was resting against my torso, my right arm wrapped around him.

"Did we take a shower?" He asked, still oblivious.

"Yeah, I forced you to." I caressed his cheek.

"Hm, thanks." He hugged me tightly as he closed his eyes again.

I analysed his body and many hickeys were displayed on his neck. I was thinking about the night before and all I could do was hide my face in embarrassment, everything felt weird.
I had so much questions going through my head.

What if we regret it?

Did he like it? Did he feel like I forced him?

Will we act like a couple now?

Should we talk about it?

Does he like me?

Do I love him?

I shook my head and focused back on the calm boy on my side. I kissed the top of his head and went back to sleep since it was still early in the morning.


"Did you have a good sleep?" My mom asked Jisung during breakfast, he swallowed the piece of bread he was munching and nodded.

"Yes, thanks to Minho." He smiled slyly and put a hand on my thigh.

"It's good to hear!" She continued to eat, not noticing how red I was.

Something had changed since this morning, we didn't talk about what we did but our actions certainly were different. We were more touchy than before, but it also felt like we were a real couple now.

"The wedding is in one week, are you ready?" My dad asked, a neutral expression on his face.

My eyes drifted to the younger.

"I am, are you?" I asked.

"Yeah." He answered.

"Minho you should go to Jisung's, I often see you with us but rarely with Mr. And Mrs. Han."
My mom suggested, she wasn't wrong, I wasn't fond of Jisung's family if I was completely honest, but I couldn't say that out loud.

"You're right..." I answered shortly.

"I'll ask if we can invite you Mrs. Lee!" Han said happily, proprably feeling bad because of my mom's comment.

"Thank you darling, and call me mom!" She laughed.

"Boss!" An employee came up to me.

"Good morning Mrs. Choi, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm better now that I saw you!" She smiled.

The old lady handed me papers, likely the monthly report she was charged to give me.

"Thank you, have a good day." I politely bowed and she did the same.

Coming back to work was like the end of a dream, the four days off I had with Jisung were full of emotions and felt like a rollercoaster.
I missed Paris and sleeping with him.
It had been three days since we last saw each other at my house. We were texting but I still missed him.
I never thought I'd grew fond of him like I was at the moment, I could feel my heart beat faster whenever I thought of our wedding.
The day was going to be long.

1 week later...

I was going to get married tomorrow, and all of this still didn't feel real.
I hadn't seen Jisung since the time he sleptover, and I missed him like crazy, our relationship was still not clarified, and I needed answers.
I couldn't reach out to him since I was overworking to compensate the time we'd go on our honeymoon.
But I knew I had to see Jisung before tomorrow, so I asked him out on a date, so we could talk about tomorrow, and he happily agreed.

"How was work today?" He asked as soon as he entered my car.

"It was okay." I shortly answered, not wanting to talk about work.

"But let's focus on us now, hm?" I suggested.

Jisung nodded and his cheeks got bigger like every time he would smile.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"To the theatre, and we'll go eat at a restaurant." I explained, waiting for his reaction.

"To the theatre! Don't tell me..." he looked in my direction, excited.

"Right answer, we're seeing Romeo and Juliet!"

During our trip, Jisung had shared many personal things, such as things he liked, and theatre was part of it.
He specifically told me he wanted to go see Romeo and Juliet one day, informing me it was his favorite book. So obviously when I saw there was a play, I felt like I had to take out Jisung on a date there.

"What! Oh my! Thank you!" He hugged me since we were at a red light, his warmth wrapped around my body and I could only hug back, I inhaled his scent and I felt at peace.
I didn't need any more proofs to know what I felt, I was sure of it.

"What's here? a cup, closed in my true love's hand?
Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end:
O churl! drunk all, and left no friendly drop
To help me after? I will kiss thy lips;
Haply some poison yet doth hang on them,
To make die with a restorative."

I saw tears running down Jisung's round cheek, he was so focused on the scene, he was an empathetic, he felt everything.
The younger amazed me, how could a passionate boy like him restrain himself?
I watched, I was admiring what I saw, and I loved it, my eyes were plastered on the boy, I didn't care about the play at the moment.
Jisung was the missing part of the puzzle, the emptiness I've always tried to fill with work and other stupid sutff.
My heart was growing inside of me, and I refused to hide it anymore, I wanted to be able to tell him how I felt and I wanted to hear the three words back.
Was I moving too fast? Maybe, but it wasn't important.

The play ended and Jisung's lips were plumped and his nose red since he had been crying.

"It was amazing, so much more than I had imagined." His eyes became teary once again.

"Jisung! Don't cry..." I laughed lightly and took him in my arms, he laughed as well and hugged me back.

"But, like what if you die? Should I die with you?" His voice cracked.

"What are you talking about? I'm not going anywhere." I tightened our hug.

"Stay with me Minho, you're the only one I need." His whispers gave me chills.

We entered the car, in our way to the restaurant. The roads were full since we were a Friday evening. The traffic was bad.

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